Norwegian version of this page

Italian translations

The International Ibsen Bibliography

Digital facsimiles provided by the National Library of Norway (



L'anitra selvatica (The Wild Duck)


Casa di bambola (A Doll’s House)

La casa dei Rosmer (Rosmersholm)


Cesare e Galileo (Emperor and Galilean)

La commedia dell’amore (Love’s Comedy)

Il construttore Solness (The Master Builder)

La donna del mare (The Lady from the Sea)

Donna Inger di Östraadt (Lady Inger)

La festa a Solhaug (The Feast at Solhoug)

Guerrieri a Helgeland / I condottieri a Helgeland (The Vikings at Helgeland)

Giangabriele Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman)

Hedda Gabler

La lega dei giovani (The League of Youth)

Un Nemico del Popolo (An Enemy of the People)

La notte di San Giovanni (St. John’s Eve)

Olaf Liljekrans

Peer Gynt

Il piccolo Eyolf (Little Eyolf)

I pilastri della società (Pillars of Society)

I pretendenti alla corona / I pretendenti al trono (The Pretenders)

Quando noi morti ci destiamo (When We Dead Awaken)

Gli spettri (Ghosts)

Il tumulo del guerriero / La tomba del guerriero (The Burial Mound)

Published Aug. 17, 2023 11:46 AM - Last modified June 18, 2024 2:16 PM