Norwegian version of this page

Russian translations

The International Ibsen Bibliography

Digital facsimiles provided by the National Library of Norway (



Богатырскíй курганъ (The Burial Mound)

Борьба за престолъ (The Pretenders)

Брандъ (Brand)

Дикая утка (The Wild Duck)

Джонъ Габриэль Боркманъ (John Gabriel Borkman)

Фру Ингерь изъ Эстрота (Lady Inger)

Гедда Габлеръ (Hedda Gabler)

Катилина (Catiline)

Кесарь и Галилеянинъ (Emperor and Galilean)

Когда мы мөртвөцы пробуждаемся (When We Dead Awaken)

Комедия любви (Love's Comedy)

Куколвный домъ (A Doll's House)

Норма, или любовь политика (Norma)

Маленькiй Эйольфъ (Little Eyolf)

Олафъ Лилиекрансъ (Olaf Liljekrans)

Перъ Гюнтъ (Peer Gynt)

Пиръ Въ СолвхаугѢ (The Feast at Solhaug)

ПривидѢнІíя (Ghosts)

Росмерсгольмъ (Rosmersholm)

Союзъ Молодежи (The League of Youth)

Столпы общества (The Pillars of Society)

Строитель Сольнесъ (The Master Builder)

Воители въ ГельгелаидѢ (The Vikings at Helgeland)

Врагъ народа (An Enemy of the People)

Женщина с моря (The Lady from the Sea)

Fulltext in The Multilingual Ibsen

In "The Multilingual Ibsen" database you can read translations of Ibsen's work side by side with the Norwegian original.

Other translations

Published Aug. 17, 2023 11:46 AM - Last modified June 18, 2024 2:31 PM