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VR model of Komediehuset in Bergen

At the Centre for Ibsen studies you can explore a VR model of the theatre where Ibsen began his theatrical career.

About Komediehuset in Bergen and the virtual model

Komediehuset was built in 1800 and destroyed in 1944 during WWII. It is a venue that holds many clues to Ibsen’s creative process throughout his career.

Ibsen worked as a stage director here from 1851 to 1857, and 22 of his plays were staged here during his lifetime.

In the virtual reality model of this theatre, you can explore the spatial dynamics in Ibsen’s dramaturgy. You can also experience the meticulously designed stage settings in several of Ibsen’s plays.

This video clip gives a taste of the theatre space that can be explored at the Centre's using our VR equipment:

The model is developed by Julie Holledge and Ortelia. Set design by Mary Moore. The VR model with stage decorations can be downloaded from the website  «Visualising Lost Theatres».