Anonym anmelder i The Times

William Archers engelske oversettelse av John Gabriel Borkman anmeldt i The Times i London 8. januar 1897 (No. 35,095).



JOHN GABRIEL BORKMAN (Heinemann) is the curiously-chosen title of Mr. Ibsens latest play, for which Mr. Archer has again undertaken the kindly office of translator. If the world were ignorant of the authors previous works it would pretty certainly be declared on all hands that this was the production of a clever man with a decided talent for stagecraft who, having written two good and interesting acts, let the other two go to pieces through incoherency and indecision as to how the climax of the drama should be reached. As it is there will no doubt be, on the part of the «masters» following, the usual dark references to inner meaning and symbolism, coupled with a reiteration of the dramatists immeasurable superiority over all the writers of plays since the world began, while the general public will only find in the piece fresh food for wonder as to where the superiority comes in. At the outset the characters have more resemblance than usual to ordinary human beings, but before the end is reached they most of them seem unmistakably qualified for admission to the nearest lunatic asylum. The interest aroused by the opening acts, which really promise something dramatic and intelligible, has completely evaporated by the time the close is reached, and it hardly seems likely that the effect of the whole upon an audience would be less disappointing than that which is left upon the reader. The dialogue is, as Mr. Ibsens theatrical experience has taught him so well how to make it, excellent in its grip, and abounding in deft touches of character and insight, and one may be very thankful that there is no trace of such revolting discussions as were contained in Little Eyolf and some of its predecessors. Much of «John Gabriel Borkman» may be dull, but it is, fortunately, not disgusting as well.


Publisert 6. apr. 2018 09:59 - Sist endret 6. apr. 2018 09:59