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Research ethics: traditional tracks and new technologies

Colloquium B: Engaging innovative methodologies in studying multilingualism across the lifespan

Time and place: Nov. 10, 2022 12:30 PM – Nov. 11, 2022 3:35 PM, MultiLing meeting room, PAM 14 and Georg Sverdrup, Aud. 2

About the workshop

An important part of engaging in innovative methodologies in studying multilingualism is researcher positionality and research ethics. The aim of this 2-day workshop is to reflect on challenges – and solutions – related to research ethics in previous and ongoing research. We wish to scrutinize the specific experiences and challenges associated with research on multilingualism from a cross-thematic angle. Participants from different research backgrounds, ranging from psycholinguistic, ethnographic, and sociocultural traditions will take part in dialogue-based workshops and presentations. Four broad areas are covered: (a) clinical research, (b) linguistic ethnography and interactional approaches (incl. educational contexts), (c) computer-mediated communication, and (d) practices of engaging and involving people in research. Both hands-on experiences and challenges as well as more general, phenomenological questions will be raised and discussed. The main body of participants will be researchers actively or previously involved in the Center’s research. In addition to the dialogue-based sessions, two keynote speakers are invited to shed light on specific aspects of research ethics.


Sari Pietikäinen, University of Jyväskylä, Ethical assemblages in scientific              knowledge production (Tentative)

Charles Ess, University of Oslo, Beyond Rules and Regulations: Navigating Ethical Responsibilities and Choices in Digitalized Research Fields


Day 1: Thursday 10 November, MultiLing meeting room, PAM 14

12.30 Opening and introduction, MultiLing Director & Workshop convening group

13:00 Session 1: Clinical research (Introduction and chair: Natalia Kartushina)
• Franziska Köder: Dealing with diversity in clinical populations: The example of 
• Hanne Gram Simonsen; Monica Norvik, Helene Killmer & Pernille Bonnevie 
Hansen: Working with multilingual people with acquired language disorders: 
Challenges and solutions
• Qingyuan Liu Gardner & Valantis Fyndanis: Methodological challenges in designing 
language tasks for individuals with aphasia

14:30 Coffee break & snack

15:00 Session 2: Practices of engaging and involving people in research (Introduction and chair: Toril Opsahl)
• Bente A. Svendsen & Samantha Goodchild: Reflections on the challenges and 
affordances of engaging (young) people in research - ethical considerations of 
citizen linguistics
• Pia Lane: Doing research at home: The researcher’s role in processes of language 
standardisation and language revitalizationv (Discussant: Seyed Hadi Mirvahedi)

16:00 Walk to PAM 14

16:15 Keynote: Sari Pietikäinen, University of Jyväskylä, Ethical assemblages in scientific knowledge production. (Tentative)

17:30 Conclusion day 1

20:00 (Dinner for presenters)

Day 2: Friday 11 November, Georg Sverdrup, Aud. 2

09:15 Session 3: Digital ethics (Introduction and chair: Jannis Androutsopoulos)
• Kristin Vold Lexander & Jannis Androutsopoulos: Ethical challenges in a multi-sited 
ethnography of transnational digital communication
• Unn Røyneland: Ethical deliberations at work – ethical approval versus ethics
• Arun Prakash Singh: Data Ethics in Machine Learning
• Anna Smolander: Vulnerable research subject groups set special requirements on digital data collection for machine learning application development

10:45 Break

11:00 Keynote: Charles Ess: Beyond Rules and Regulations: Navigating Ethical Responsibilities and Choices in Digitalized Research Fields

12:15 Lunch 

13:15 Session 4: Linguistic ethnography / Interactional approaches (incl. Classroom oriented) (Introduction and chair: Anne Golden)
• Rafael Lomeu Gomes: Positionality, power, and voice in research with multilingual families
• Guri Bordal Steien: Ethnographic research among newly arrived refugees in Norway
• Ingebjørg Tonne & Anne Golden: Alarm!? How to present critical findings from research data accessed through confidence 

14:45 Break

15:00 Roundtable + general discussion (Moderator: Haley De Korne)

15:45 Farewell

Sessions overview


MultiLing Research with clinical populations is challenging and time-consuming due to difficulties in recruitment and access to participants, tedious procedures for ethical approval and lack of reliable methods to access atypical populations. In this session, we will raise awareness about the specificities of research in clinical populations and discuss how we can address the above-mentioned challenges by providing examples from research in patients with ADHD, acquired language disorders (i.e., aphasia) and dementia.


This session is devoted to the ethical issues that come into play in sociolinguistic research when we engage with social issues, and when we engage with and involve research participants’ lived experiences of language. We explore cases where the categories of researcher and participant closely interact, and to some extent even overlap. Input is provided from a) researchers involved in citizen science methodologies, and b) a researcher with experience from research in her own home community.


The digital transformation of society brings up new and specific challenges to research ethics. This session attempts to cast light to some of these challenges, focusing on research fields that are relevant to MultiLing’s thematic areas. The four presentations cover (a) ethical issues in research on digital language practices in communities, and (b) ethical issues in computational research and its applications (Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning). Our aim is to promote mutual awareness about what ‘ethics’ means to different research strands, what risks and responsibilities are at stake, and what can be done to the benefit of participants, society, and scientific research.


Ethnographic research is often confronted with dilemmas of various kinds. In this session we will present different ethical dilemmas that have emerged with different groups of people in Norway. The first presentation is from a project of family multilingualism and relate to the protection of participants’ identity in small communities, the participants’ voices in publications as well as power imbalances between participants and researcher. The two next presentations are cases representing dilemmas in two different contexts, and particularly the relation between the participants and the researcher(s), and how this effects the participants’ expectations. Our aim is to give examples of different dilemmas that might occur at different stages of the research process in order to be able to discuss possible solutions and (try to) learn from them in the planning process of further research.

“What’s in a name?” Labelling concepts and languages 2.0: Expanding the scenery

Colloquium A: Scrutinizing critical concepts and theoretical approaches in studying multilingualism

Time and place: Oct. 13, 2022 2:00 PM – Oct. 14, 2022 4:00 PM, Georg Sverdrups hus, Auditorium 2 / Zoom

What's in a name? That which we call a rose                                                                   By any other word would smell as sweet;                                                              Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

This workshop is a continuation of a discussion started with an in-house workshop in November 2021. As a point of departure for that workshop, we addressed the issue of terminology and labeling, which has engaged scholars in heated debates within linguistics, with a focus on the issue of codeswitching vs. translanguaging.

The concept of language itself – and the naming of languages and lects – has come under scrutiny. In the previous and also in this follow-up workshop, we aim to discuss different positions and reflect on the debate that has been going on in linguistics with respect to the delineation of languages/lects (including mixing styles and registers), and naming them (both scientific names and folk names), including the nature of language contact. The question here is whether entities that are by their very nature not easily delimited (as many things in the world and most things in the social world) should nevertheless be named, and how.

In this follow-up workshop, we want to expand the discussion to the relationship between theoretical concepts, terminology and labelling more generally. The question is whether we end up with a proliferation of terms without precise definitions (and referential meaning), with unclear advantages over older terms, or genuinely new ideas. Questions we would like to address are:

To what extent do new labels/terminology refer to new theoretical concepts, to what extent do they overlap, and to what extent are they in tension with one another?
What does it take for a terminological or conceptual innovation to be theoretically useful? And what does theoretical usefulness actually amount to?
What is the goal of theory and theory building? How do we differentiate between description and theory, and what exactly we are trying to theorize?

Day 1: Thursday 13 October
14:00 Opening, welcome to MultiLing, Elizabeth Lanza and Unn Røyneland
Peter Auer: The sociolinguistics of 'naming a language' Li Wei: The politics and consequences of naming languages
15:15 Break
15:30 Loraine Obler: Labelling languages as distinct – perspectives from the study of Cognates Lynn Mario De Souza: What names count: the language politics of naming
Marianne Gullberg: Labelling language users: learners, multilinguals, multi-competent 
17:00 General discussion, moderators Elizabeth Lanza and Unn Røyneland
17:30 End day 1

Day 2: Friday 14 October
09:30 Lorenza Mondada: An emic perspective on categorizing languages in interaction
Marianna Kyriacou: What's in a diagnosis? The challenges of diagnosing dyslexia in 
multilingual speakers Bjørn Ramberg and Unn Røyneland: Context, science and ontology – two cases
11:00 Break
11:15 Pia Quist: Multiethnolect - ?, ., or …
Quentin Williams: Inventing Afrikaaps, Disinventing Afrikaans 
12:15 - 13:30 Lunch (For presenters)
13:30 Seyed Hadi Mirvahedi and Elizabeth Lanza: Translanguaging matters in multilingual families
Peng Li: Pedagogical terms in L2 classrooms: The issue of directly importing Japanese grammatical terms into Chinese Toril Opsahl, Ingebjørg Tonne and Anne Golden: 'Norsk som andrespråk’ (Norwegian as a second language) – status quo or in the state of flux?
Pia Lane: New speakers – what’s new?
15:15 Break
15:30 General discussion, moderators Elizabeth Lanza and Unn Røyneland
16:00 End of day 2

Unn Røyneland and Elizabeth Lanza

Workshop on Children's Language Development and the Role of Input in less-studied Languages

Open 1-day workshop on children's language development in less-studied languages hosted by the BABYLEARN flagship project at Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan.

Time and place: Sep. 2, 2022 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Georg Sverdrups hus, Stort møterom

The vast majority of published work on language development and children’s language input feature English-speaking populations (Kidd & Garcia, 2022, see figure below). This skewed representation seriously limits what we can generalize to other linguistic (e.g., Norwegian) and socio-cultural (e.g., non-WEIRD) contexts.

In this workshop, experts on children's language development, ranging from developmental psychology, educational science and psycholinguistics, will present and discuss their work on language development in less-studied languages/cultures (see book of abstracts below). We are also excited to host our two invited keynote speakers:

Alejandrina (Alex) Cristia (Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, Département d’études cognitives, ENS, EHESS, CNRS, Paris), leader of the Language Acquisition Across Cultures Team, who will give the presentation "A world-wide view on early language acquisition: New methods, opportunities and challenges."

Roger Mundry (Cognitive Ethology Laboratory, German Primate Center, Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, Göttingen; Department for Primate Cognition, Georg-August-University Göttingen; Leibniz ScienceCampus Primate Cognition, Göttingen), biostatistician, who will give the presentation "Risks and limitations of using linear models in language research."


09:00-09:10: Welcome 

09:10-10:30: Alex Cristia – A world-wide view on early language acquisition: New methods, opportunities and challenges

10:30-10:40: Coffee break

10:40-11:00: Hanne Røe-Indregård – Norwegian culture and policy as a backdrop for examination of adult-child interactions
11:00-11:20: Nora Serres – The role of dialect variability on mispronunciation sensitivity: An insight to infants’ early language development from a Norwegian context
11:20-11:40: Nina Gram Garmann & Hanne Gram Simonsen – Consonant cluster realisation in Norwegian- and English-speaking children: The role of input
11:40-12:00: Elisabet García González – Does the apple not fall far from the tree? Why the same research questions might have different answers depending on where you ask them

12:00-13:00: Lunch

13:00-13:20: Michelle White – The suitability of WEIRD-developed language assessment tools in South Africa
13:20-13:40: Julien Mayor – Extra-linguistic modulation of the English noun-bias: Evidence from Malaysian bilingual infants and toddlers
13:40-14:00: Luca Onnis – Properties of child-directed speech in bilingual parents: Two studies on partial repetitions
14:00-14:20: Jolanta Kilanowska & Nina Gram Garmann – Will multilingual children benefit from their expecting parents being trained to enrich the language environment? 
14:20-14:40: Franziska Köder – The development of semantic integration in bilingual and monolingual toddlers measured by ERP

14:40-15:00: Coffee break

15:00-16:30: Roger Mundry – Risks and limitations of using linear models in language research

Audun Rosslund and Natalia Kartushina

Out of silence: Reclaiming Indigenous languages

Language revitalisation may be an emancipatory process through which speakers find and develop their own voice, identity and belonging, but this can also be a challenging and painful process for the individual.

Time and place: May 18, 2022 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan & Zoom

Language revitalisation may be an emancipatory process through which speakers find and develop their own voice, identity and belonging, but this can also be a challenging and painful process for the individual. The goal of this workshop is to explore how individuals who set out to reclaim and use a language they did not speak while growing up, experience the process of language reclamation and how they attempt to resolve the inherent tensions in such processes. Through case studies from four continents, the presenters deal with such inherent tensions, with a particular focus on the emotional experiences of individuals who engage in revitalisation processes. 

Please sign for up the event here Registration closes at 2 pm May 16.


9:30-9:45 Coffee

9:45-10:00 Frances Kvietok Dueñas & Pia Lane: Welcome 

10:00-10:30 Lenore Grenoble: Language vitality and sustainability as well-being

10:30-11:00 Anuschka van 't Hooft, Liam Doherty & Bonny Norton: Translator identity and Indigenous language revitalization in Mexico

11:00-11:30 Coffee

11:30-12:00 Britta Ingebretson: “Those times were really fun:” Memory, narrative, and the emotional burden of language use in rural China

12:00-12:30 Haley De Korne: "Because my students demanded it of me": Activism and affect in Indigenous language education

12:30-13:00 Cassie Smith-Christmas: Exploring the role of the ‘emotional ecology of language’ in language revitalisation

13:00-14:00 Lunch for presenters

14:00-14:30 Frances Kvietok Dueñas: Youth and Indigenous language speakerhood in the home: Generational perspectives on Quechua language socialization and reclamation

14:30-15:00 Justin Brown: Language reclamation, performance and ownership

15:00-15:30 Coffee

15:30-16:00 Åse Mette Johansen & Pia Lane: Breaking silence: A longitudinal study of language revitalisation

16:00-16.30 Mary Hermes: Precarious positions: Stories from adult learners' Journeys

16.30-17:00 Nancy Hornberger, Frances Kvietok Dueñas & Pia Lane : Concluding discussion

Pia Lane and Frances Kvietok Duenas

Intersectional Experiences in Academia

In this workshop, several scholars will discuss their perspectives and experiences with disability, ethnicity, gender, and social class, insights that provide a backdrop for a conversation about how we can create a more inclusive academic workplace.

Time and place: Mar. 10, 2022 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Kjemibygningen Auditorium 2/Zoom

Intersectionality, a term coined by the legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, is a productive lens to understand how individual experiences and identities mesh and meld with broader power structures in ways that generate or hinder access to social spaces. This workshop consists of two parts: The first part includes a talk, a panel, and a conversation about the intersectional ways that individual scholars gain (or not) access to academic careers. In the second part of the workshop, participants will join one of the six different group discussions (outlined below the program). The fundamental aim of the workshop is to produce concrete measures to improve the inclusivity of the academic workplace for scholars of all backgrounds. These proposed measures will be brought back to the University of Oslo’s Faculty of the Humanities, which has financed this workshop through the Equal Opportunity and Diversity fund.

This event is organized by Doctoral Research Fellows Ingvild Badhwar Valen-Sendstad and Elisabet García González. You may contact them with any questions, comments or concerns about the event.


10:00 -10:05: Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Frode Helland: Opening remarks

10:05 -10:30: Ramona Vijeyarasa: Women's intersectional identities 

10:30 -11:15: Panel: Intersectionality and inclusion in the academic workplace 

11:15 -11:30: Break

11:30 -12:30: Conversation between panelists & Q&A 

12:30 -13:45: Break

13:45 - 15:15: Discussion groups (led by the speakers)

15:30-16:00: Pro-rector (UiO) Åse Gornitzka: Closing remarks

Introduction: Women's intersectional identities 

Ramona Vijeyarasa is the Chief Investigator behind the Gender Legislative Index, a tool designed to promote the enactment of legislation that works more effectively to improve women’s lives. Her work innovatively combines law, engineering and data science to reinvigorate decades-long debates about the law’s role in addressing gender inequality. A Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology Sydney and the 2020-2022 Women’s Leadership Institute Australia Research Fellow, she is editor of International Women’s Rights Law and Gender Equality: Making the law work for women (2021) and author of Sex, Slavery and the Trafficked Women: Myths and Misconceptions about Trafficking and its Victims (2015). Her upcoming book, The Woman President: A study of law, leadership and legacy on women’s lives based on experiences from South and Southeast Asia will be published by Oxford University Press this year. Ramona’s research is informed by a decade working in civil society. 

Individuals carry their identity wherever they go. Indeed, there is no way to address gender inequality in today’s world without understanding intersectionality. As a human rights activist and scholar, Dr Ramona Vijeyarasa will share her first-hand experiences of how women’s intersectional identities have informed the lives, rights and lived realities of the women she has worked globally. She will draw from her experiences working with female and male victims of human trafficking, survivors of gender-based violence, adolescent women and girls facing barriers to reproductive health and women politicians from all areas of politics. Dr Vijeyarasa has conducted legal empirical research globally, including in Vietnam, Ukraine, Ghana, The Philippines, Sri Lankan and Indonesia. Ramona brings to this talk her experiences of being a first-generation Australian legal scholar of Sri Lankan origin.

Speakers & discussion leaders

Gender presentation and gender nonconformity 

Esti Blanco-Elorrieta is a post-doctoral fellow in the Psychology department at Harvard University working on unveiling the neural underpinnings of language processing. Prior to joining Harvard, they completed their PhD at New York University and a Master's degree at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language.

Gender is ubiquitous in our society: the way we speak, the way we walk, the way we sit or smile or argue, every action that we perform is ruled by expectations based on our anatomy. Having been assigned female at birth, presented as male for a period of my life, and finally settling for a gender non-conforming appearance, my fluid gender identity has been a constant source of curiosity and struggle. In this workshop I will discuss the questions most people ask, and the ones they do not dare to ask, whenever they are confronted with a body that does not align with their templates, as well as what can be done to break the gender barriers and build a more equitable society.


Halvor Hanisch is a senior researcher at the Work Research Institute (Oslomet), and associate professor at VID specialized university. He has been involved in disability studies for many years, working primarily with disability theory, disability representation, and the various societal, institutional and affective forces driving the exclusion of people with disabilities.

In my presentation, I will briefly speak to three aspects of my intersectional position as an academic. I will address the significance of productivity and time in academia, what one might call “academic pace”. I will also address the relation between access (being able to do something) and barriers (being positioned as unable to do something), and the grey area between these two positions. Finally, I will address what I call “intersectional shielding”, that is, how other aspects of my social position sometimes reduce the adversive impacts of disability-related exclusion

Kven, Sámi and first generation university student 

Pia Lane is a Professor of Multilingualism at the Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (MultiLing) at the University of Oslo. Her research focuses on multilingualism in Northern Norway, with a particular emphasis on language policy, language shift and revitalisation in relation to Indigenous and minoritised languages. She serves as a member of the Norwegian Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2018-2023).

I grew up in a multilingual family, where adults spoke Kven (a minoritised Finnic language) and Sámi (an Indigenous language), but children were spoken to in Norwegian only. I am first generation with Norwegian as a dominant language and also first generation to attend university; like Linda Tuhiwai Smith, I “was born into one world and educated in another” (2012: ix). In my presentation, I will reflect on my journey into the academic world and my attempts to take a more reflexive stance in my more recent publications.

Immigrant descent and the democratic importance of diversity

Feroz Mehmood Shah is a senior lecturer in philosophy at the University of Oslo, doing researching within the fields of moral and political philosophy, education and the history of philosophy. He is currently a member of the Academy for Young Researchers, the Fulbright Alumni Board Norway and the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Humanities, NTNU. He has been engaged in questions of diversity in academia, particularily in the epistemic opportunities of diversity and the way in which it can provide democratic legitimacy to educational institutions. In looking at the epistemic and democratic importance of diversity, how we recognize diversity becomes crucial. He will share experiences from being a descendent of immigrant parents, in a field where this group is critically underrepresented.

Motherhood and career development in Academia 

Evelina Leivada is a psycholinguist, currently a Ramón y Cajal Senior Research Fellow at Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Spain. Her fields of study are language variation and development in monolingual and bilingual/bidialectal populations. She is an associate editor in the Diamond Open Access journal Biolinguistics.

How good and effective are our policies related to maternity, pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and caring for minors with and without disability? What is the 180-day gestation benchmark and how does it affect the tenure clock of early career researchers? How do you justify a sick leave to your employer when you are miscarrying, and it is still too early to report a viable pregnancy? Do all scientists have the right to go on a maternity leave? What percentage of scientists succumb to the motherhood penalty? In this talk, I will bring to the surface matters that are frequently left in the margins, through telling my own story of three pregnancies: one very early pregnancy loss, one stillbirth, and one extremely preterm infant. I envision this interaction as a safe space where we can recount even those experiences that we are often explicitly discouraged from discussing.

Internationalization in Academia

Rafael Lomeu Gomes works as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at MultiLing—Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo.

In my recent and ongoing sociolinguistic research projects, I have investigated family multilingualism and urban speech styles. My publications include articles published in Multilingual Margins, Multilingua, and the forthcoming volume Decolonial Voices, Language and Race (Multilingual Matters), co-edited with Sinfree Makoni, Magda Madany-Saá, and Bassey E. Antia. I am one of the co-organisers of the “Global Virtual Forum: Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies”, a collaborative initiative that seeks to decentre hegemonic epistemologies and to decolonize the Western canon to facilitate other ways/waves of knowing. As an elected member of the Faculty of Humanities Board at the University of Oslo, I represent the temporary academic staff. Drawing on my experiences being academically socialised in Higher Education Institutions in the Global South and the Global North (i.e. Australia, Brazil, the UK, Norway, and South Africa), in this workshop I aim to facilitate a discussion on internationalisation in Academia.

Panel Moderator 

Tony Sandset is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, where he received his PhD. His current research focuses on knowledge translation within the field of HIV care and prevention. Specifically, his focus is on how medical knowledge  is mediated, how evidence is generated in HIV prevention and how new medical technologies informs subjectivities, desire, and sexuality. Another of his research areas pertains to the intersection between race, gender, class and HIV care and prevention. Relating race, class and gender to how medical knowledge is disseminated and translated from research to clinical and community usage is of particular interest here as is the question of health equity and equality in health care. Sandset is currently part of the working group on diversity and gender equality both at the Faculty of Medicine and centrally at the University of Oslo. Here he is contributing to developing the next strategy plan on diversity and gender equality both for the university at the central level and at the Faculty of Medicine. 

Summary and closing remarks 

Åse Gornitzka has since 2017 been part of the academic leadership of the University of Oslo. First as Vice-Rector for Research and Internationalisation and from 2021 as Pro-Rector. She is Professor at the Department of Political Science. Gornitzka heads the national strategic unit for research of Universities Norway (UHR-Research) and is member of The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities’ Vice-presidents’ group.  Gornitzka holds a doctoral degree in Public Administration from the University of Twente, the Netherlands. Her main research interests are on governance at national and European level and the role that organisational factors play in the governance process and the link between expertise and policy making.

Ingvild Badhwar Valen-Sendstad and Elisabet García González


Multilingual Children and their Imaginative Worlds

Children's imaginative play has long attracted scholars in different fields, from psychologists like Vygotsky in the 1960s to sociolinguists in recent years. This symposium with papers from diverse contexts will address such methodological and theoretical questions as how bi/multilingual children use linguistic varieties and other semiotic resources in their plays, and what implications their language use may have for the languages, families, communities, and societies.

Time and place: Nov. 11, 2021 8:45 AM – Nov. 12, 2021 8:00 PM, Zoom

This two-day symposium hosted by Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (MultiLing), University of Oslo, seeks to shed light on how bi / multilingual children's imaginative worlds and their language use within them could methodologically and analytically help us understand their views on languages, multilingualism, as well as the concomitant implications, outcomes and consequences for languages, communities and societies. During the symposium, we will focus on how children's imagination mediates their language use in such imaginative spaces as naturally occurring plays at home or playground leading to language shift (e.g. Mirvahedi & Cavallaro, 2019; Smith-Christmas, 2020), or intentionally created ones to catalyze using a minority language, eg in language revitalization efforts.


Thursday, November 11

8:45 Opening Welcome
9:00 Creative translanguaging during imaginative play: Language development and 
maintenance in one Maldivian family. Naashia Mohamed.
9:30 How do online games help language maintenance? Children’s imaginative world and transnational language maintenance in Hungarian-English bilingual families in Australia. Aniko Hatoss.
10:00 Linguistic reflection drawings as an imaginative space for expressing belonging 
Mohammd Nofal. Corinne Seals.

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45 Plurilingual dinosaurs at play: Children negotiating meaning using French, English and gestures. Kelly Shoecraft.
11:15 Scary stories in the sand: Arrernte children talking and drawing spontaneous first-person narratives. Susan Poetsch
11:45 Multilingual children’s imaginative worlds and their language use: Chronotopical 
analysis of children’s play. Mona Hosseini
12:15 Translanguaging roleplay in North Sámi and Norwegian. Carola Kleemann
12:45 Negotiating Control in Imaginative Play: Parent-Child Multilingual Interactions 
Eman El Sherbiny Ismail
13:15-13:30. Break
13:30 Keynote. Bilingual children’s norms for language use in pretend play scenarios
Polly Bjork & Asta Cekaite 

Friday, November 12

14:00 Keynote.Childhood Studies’ Perspectives: debates about agency, rights and research. Kay Tisdall
15:30 Turkish immigrant Children’s Multilingual practices during Pretend Play at a U.S. Turkish Saturday School. Seyda Tarim
16:00 Multilingualism and creativity. Arantzazu Martinez Etxarri
16:30-16:45 Break
16:45 Multilingual children’s pretend play: An ethnographic case study in an English dominant kindergarten classroom. Jungmin Lee
17:15 Gaming strategies in EFL classes. Roberto Alvira, Ana María Cely, Manuela Silva, Natalia Hernández
17:45 English lexical resources in Belgian Dutch preadolescents’ role play. 
Melissa Schuring & Eline Zenner
18:15 Translanguaging space in imaginative play: The role of embodied actions in the use of heritage language. Min-Seok Choi
18:45-19:00 Break

19:00 Keynote. Code-switching, identity, and participation: Exploring models of identity and indexical associations for languages in Mexican heritage children’s peer 
imaginative play at a bilingual Spanish-English U.S. preschool. Amy Kyratzis

«What’s in a name?» Labelling concepts and languages

This is an in-house workshop for MultiLingers. Participants from ILN are also welcome.

Time and place: Nov. 4, 2021 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Zoom

What's in a name? That which we call a rose 
By any other name would smell as sweet.
Romeo and Juliet (II, ii)

Terminology and labelling have engaged scholars in heated debates within linguistics. The concept of language itself – and the naming of languages and lects – has come under scrutiny. In this in-house event, we aim to discuss different positions and reflect on the debate that has been going on in sociolinguistics the past years with respect to the delineation of languages/lects (including mixing styles and registers), and naming them (both scientific names and folk names). This involves discussions concerning the nature of language contact – codeswitching and translanguaging.  The big question here is whether entities that are by their very nature not easily delimitated (as many things in the world and most things in the social world) should nevertheless be named, and how.


1400 – 1410    Elizabeth Lanza. Welcome and introduction

1410 – 1430    Li Wei: The idea of Translanguaging: what's all the fuss about?

1430 – 1440    Q&A

1440 – 1500    Peter Auer: Why it makes sense to talk about languages (and even                                name them)

1500 – 1510     Q&A

1510 – 1520     Break

1520 – 1530     Postdoctoral Fellow Samantha Goodchild

1530 – 1540     Postdoctoral Fellow Seyed Hadi Mirvahedi

1540 – 1550     Postdoctoral Fellow Aleksandra Ita Olszewska

1550 – 1600     Postdoctoral Fellow Gavin Lamb

1600 – 1630     Breakout rooms, including short break

1630 – 1700     Discussion (bring in discussion from the breakout rooms)

1700                 Closing

Janne Bondi Johannessen Memorial Seminar

To complement the release of Bauta: Janne Bondi Johannessen in memoriam, the memorial volume editors and MultiLing are organizing a two-day seminar, which will close with a memorial lecture by Joe Salmons.

Time and place: Oct. 11, 2021 1:00 PM – Oct. 12, 2021 4:30 PM, Hotel Bristol and Gamle Festsal

Bauta: Janne Bondi Johannessen in memoriam

To complement the release of Bauta: Janne Bondi Johannessen in memoriam, the memorial volume editors (Kristin Hagen, Arnstein Hjelde, Karine Stjernholm, and Øystein A. Vangsnes) and MultiLing (Unn Røyneland and David Natvig) are organizing a two-day seminar from lunch to lunch at Hotel Bristol in Oslo on October 11–12. The seminar will close with a memorial lecture by Joe Salmons after lunch on the 12th at Gamle Festsal (Domus Academica).

We have invited active researchers who have collaborated with Janne in larger projects to give presentations to honor Janne’s personal and professional influence. We have also set aside some time for more informal reminiscing. Please find the program here.

We are unfortunately not able to cover travel and lodging costs for the seminar, however we will provide complementary refreshments after the first day of the seminar, as well as lunch on the second day.

Seminar registration 

The seminar is now fully booked. If you wish to attend on Zoom, please send an email to David Natvig.


Måndag, 11. oktober på Hotel Bristol / Monday, October 11 at Hotel Bristol

13.00–13.30 Kaffi, te Mingling
13.30–13.50 Øystein A. Vangsnes Opning / Opening
13.50–14.10 Kristin Hagen, Dag Haug, Anders Nøklestad, Joel PriestleyGlossa – fra norske dialekter til åtte etiopiske språk

14.10-14.20 Snacks
14.20–14.40 Elizabeth Lanza, Unn Røyneland, Jan Svennevig. Språk og identitet i Etiopia
14.40–15.00 Yvonne van Baal, David Natvig. Where there’s a will, there’s a way: Janne and fieldwork in the US
15.00–15.30 Kaffi, te og kaffimat / Coffee break

15.30–15.50 Arnstein Hjelde, Alexander K. Lykke. Norsk ungdomsspråk på prærien
15.50–16.10 Terje Lohndal, Marit Westergaard. Janne & the MultiGender project
16.10–16.30 Kari Kinn, Ida Larsson. Framflyttinger i arvespråksforskningen
16.30–16.50 Anne Golden, Ingebjørg Tonne. Orddanning i Amerika-norsk i Coon Valley, Westby og Blair anno 2010.
16.50–20.00 Mimresamvær med kanapear / Informal gathering

Tysdag, 12. oktober på Hotel Bristol / Tuesday, October 12 at Hotel Bristol

09.00–09.30 Kaffi, te, kaffimat
09.30–09.50 Piotr Garbacz Dialektförändring i Norge under 1900-talet? LIA-korpuset vs. Nordisk dialektkopurs
09.50–10.10 Toril Opsahl, Bente Ailin Svendsen«... kom ta min hånd og bli med meg på en tur rundt i byen ...» – Janne og urbant språkmangfold
10.10–10.20 Snacks
10.20–10.40 Signe Laake, Karine Stjernholm, Åshild Søfteland. Rapport fra forskerfabrikken – vit.ass. på Tekstlab.
10.40–11.00 Helge Sandøy. Frå Aasen til Norsk dialektkorpus. Tilfellet Ål i 
11.00–11.30 Kaffi, te / Coffee Break
11.30–11.50 Elisabet Engdahl, Helge Lødrup. Sammansatt passiv i norska och svenska
11.50–12.10 Lene Antonsen, Trond Trosterud. Føringsgrammatikk – en grammatisk formalisme som forstår hva du mener og gjør det du vil.
12.10–12.20 Beinstrekk / Break
12.20–12.40 Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld. Akademiske fraser – jåleri eller nyttige leksikalske 
12.40–13.00 Arrangementskomiteen. Avslutning
13.00–14.30 Lunsj

Tysdag, 12. oktober i Gamle festsal / Tuesday, October 12 at Gamle Festsal

15.15–16.15 Joseph Salmons Memorial Lecture: Janne Bondi Johannessen: Building 
an international community in heritage language linguistics
16.15–16.30 Elizabeth Lanza. Avslutning / Closing

Memorial Lecture: Joe Salmons

The memorial lecture will take place at Gamle Festsal (Domus Academica) on Tuesday 12 at 15:15. If you plan to attend physically, please register here. It is also possible to attend the lecture on Zoom.

Joe Salmons is the Lester W.J. “Smoky” Seifert Professor of Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin—Madison and co-founder of the Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures. His research focuses on language change and linguistic theory, especially as it bears on sound systems, often drawing data from Germanic languages, including American English and heritage languages.

With Janne Bondi Johannessen, he is a co-founder of the Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA) and together they published numerous pieces on heritage languages and bilingualism, including their co-edited volume Germanic Heritage Languages in North America: Acquisition, attrition and change (2015, John Benjamins).

In his memorial lecture, Joe will discuss Janne’s impact on shaping heritage languages and linguistics to the field it is today, with an eye on how she facilitated research collaborations and built scholarly community.


12th International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics

The NGL conference series (also ICNGL) provides an open forum for linguistic research in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas on Nordic (including Germanic, Finnic, Saamic and Greenlandic) and other languages, including multilingualism.

Time and place: June 14, 2021 – June 18, 2021, Universitetet i Oslo

The international conference of Nordic and General Linguistics (NGL) is organised under the auspices of the Nordic Association of Linguists (NAL).

Its main goals are to create and strengthen connections between researchers working on different languages, with different methodological and theoretical approaches. 

This will be the 12th conference, 52 years since the first one, and the third to be organised at the University of Oslo.

Program for June 14–18, 2021. All times listed are in Central European Time

Registration (deadline June 6, 2021) 

Abstracts: Main session, Keynotes, Workshop 1, Workshop 2  

Keynote speakers

  • Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
  • Steffen Höder (Kiel University)
  • Joe Salmons (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  • Marit Westergaard (UiT-The Arctic University of Norway)

We thank the following reviewers for their contributions to the conference and workshops:
Derib Ado Jekale, Ivar Berg, Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero, Kristian Blensenius, Kersti Börjars, Joshua Bousquette, Ellen Brandner, Joshua R. Brown, Stuart Davis, Annick De Houwer, Lena Ekberg, Hans-Olav Enger, Louise Esher, Ingrid Lossius Falkum, Elisabet García González, Hans-Martin Gärtner, Remus Gergel, Patrick Georg Grosz, Daniel Harbour, Jan Heegård Petersen, Martin Hilpert, Stefan Hinterwimmer, Pavel Iosad, Janne Bondi Johannessen, Mirva Johnson, Marit Julien, Yuni Kim, Kari Kinn, Franziska Köder, Gjert Kristoffersen, Ida Larsson, Samantha Litty, Helge Lødrup, Terje Lohndal, Christiane Müller, Sara Myrberg, David Natvig, Muriel Norde, Edgar Onea, Elizabeth Peterson, Erik Petzell, Maria Polinsky, Michael T. Putnam, Eric Raimy, Agata Renans, Tomas Riad, Jason Rothman, Joseph Salmons, Adrian Sangfelt, Yeşim Sevinç, Radek Šimík, Frank Sode, and Giorgos Spathas.

Local committee

  • Ida Larsson (Conference chair)
  • Hans-Olav Enger
  • Patrick Grosz
  • Kristin Hagen
  • Anu Laanemets
  • Guro Busterud
  • David Natvig
  • Extended committee
  • Derib Ado (Addis Ababa University)
  • Kasper Boye (University of Copenhagen)
  • Ellen Brandner (University of Stuttgart)
  • Daniel Harbour (Queen Mary, University of London)
  • Caroline Heycock (University of Edinburgh)
  • Martin Hilpert (University of Neuchâtel)
  • Annick De Houwer (University of Erfurt)
  • Muriel Norde (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
  • Tomas Riad (Stockholm University)
  • Previous NGL conferences
  • Reykjavík, July 1969
  • Umeå, June 1973
  • Austin, Texas, April 1976
  • Oslo, June 1980
  • Århus, June-July 1983
  • Helsinki, August 1986
  • Tórshavn, August 1989
  • Gothenburg, August 1993
  • Oslo, January 1995
  • Reykjavík, June 1998  
  • Freiburg, April 2012

Ida Larsson and David Natvig


14:00–14:15 Opening
Hans-Olav Enger and Frode Helland

14:15–15:15 Marit Westergaard &Natalia Mitrofanova 
(UiT The Arctic University of Norway & NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 
Micro-variation in Multilingual Situations and the Importance of Property-by-Property Acquisition
Chair: Hans-Olav Enger

Session 1
Chair: Patrick Grosz

High Applicatives in Icelandic Adjectival Constructions – Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
& Jim Wood

Høyst merkelig: A prosodically-restricted set of adverbs in Scandinavian and other
European languages – Jack Hoeksema & Renate Raffelsiefen

Intensifier Variation in Norwegian – James M. Stratton & John D. Sundquist

Session 2
Chair: Guro Busterud

Layers of subordinate clauses: A view from causal af-því-að-clauses in 
Icelandic – Ásgrímur Angantýsson & Łukasz Jędrzejowski

Allocutivity and the composition of the C-T – Gurmeet Kaur

Session 3 Tuesday
Chair: Torodd Kinn, 

Explaining Quirky Accusative in  Icelandic: An OT Account – Wataru 

The Effect of Givenness on the Dative Alternation in Norwegian: A Reaction 
Time Study – Marta Velnic & Merete Anderssen

Session 4
Chair: Dag Haug

Capturing Dialectal Variations from a Game-Theoretic Perspective – Yukio 

On the typology of syllable structure in the Scandinavian Languages (Comprising 
Danish) – Miguel Vázquez-Larruscaín

Session 5
Chair: Åshild Søfteland

The uses of the impersonal pronoun man in written German and Norwegian 
(Bokmål) – Sarah Zobel

On the placement of object pronouns in Swedish – Filippa Lindahl & Elisabet Engdahl

Session 6
Chair: Anu Laanemets

Initial consonant clusters in onomatopoeic words in Meänkieli– similarities with Finnish and Swedish? Åsa Abelin

The Faroese map task: Studying Faroese intonation – Nicole Dehé & Christiane 


Joseph Salmons
(University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Assembling the pieces in sound change: Beyond Somebody Else’s Problem
Chair: David Natvig


Artemis Alexiadou
(Humboldt Universität zu Berlin & Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft)
Double comparatives: structural complexity and evaluativity
Chair: Patrick Grosz


Session 7

Session 8
Chair: Sverre Stausland Johnsen

Phonological convergence in north-western Europe: language contact or drift? – Pavel Iosad

Lenition of Icelandic Voiced Fricatives: Online Reduction vs. Allomorphy – Brynhildur Stefánsdóttir

Session 9
Chair: Helge Lødrup

Inversion with ditransitive verbs in Icelandic – Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson

The Acceptability and Interpretation of Ditransitives in Icelandic and Faroese – Cherlon Ussery

Session 10
Chair: David Natvig

Tracking and visualising the causes and pathways of vowel harmony decay in Old Norwegian – Jade J. Sandstedt

Some things you just cannot share: on Schneider’s Law, geminates and syllables – Katerina Markoulaki & Nina Topintzi


Steffen Höder
(Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel) Shared constructions across the Danish-German border: a diasystematic view on areal convergence
Chair: Hans-Olav Enger


Session 11
Chair: Kari Kinn

PRO as a radically underspecified pronoun – Roland Hinterhölzl

PRO antecedent interferes with infinitive marker – Tori Larsen & Christer 

Session 12
Chair: Guro Busterud

What everyone should know about 
language – Tomas Lehecka & Jan-Ola Östman

The bilingual parser predicts one structure: code-switching in the garden path – Sarah Schwochow, Tori Larsen & Christer Johansson

Session 13
Chair: Hans-Olav Enger

Prepositional object clauses in German and Dutch – Lutz Gunkel & Jutta M. 

Stacking auxiliaries in Germanic. Teasing apart semantic and structural restrictions – Evie Coussé

Session 14
Chair: Kasper Boye

Relative set size modulates acceptability and processing – Eva Klingvall & Fredrik Heinat

Distinctive collexeme analysis of Swedish comitative markers med and tillsammans 
med – Jan Čermák & Silvie Cinková

Session 15
Chair: Anu Laanemets

Motion and uncontrollability: Norwegian GÅ-CHANGE OF STATE construction –
Mizuki Tanigawa

Elicitation-based insights into lexicalization of motion in case languages
– Emilia Tuuri & Maija Belliard

Session 16
Chair: Filippa Lindahl

The role of D-features and case in clausal nominalization: an account from 
Icelandic – Mirko Garofalo

A new approach to agreement in German DPs – Alexandra Rehn

Session 17
Chair: Henrik Jørgensen

V2 in Estonian is prosodically conditioned – Anders Holmberg, Heete Sahkai & Anne Tamm

V1, V2 and information structure in the history of Icelandic – Hannah Booth and 
Christin Beck

Session 18
Chair: Jan Heegård Petersen

The Grade 1 Amharic Curriculum. Suggestions and the Teachers’ Classroom Practices: Alignments and Contradictions – Nigistie Gedife Hunegnaw

Workshop: Heritage Languages

Chair: Yvonne van Baal

Language change over a lifespan: Einar Haugen’s last speaker – Arnstein Hjelde

Assignment of Grammatical Gender on English words in American Norwegian – Terje Lohndal

Endangered Languages as Heritage Languages: Divergent Attainment and Phonological Regularization of Diminutive Reduplication in ComoxSliammon (Salish) – Gloria Mellesmoe

Variation in vulnerability: the role of social factors in the distribution of structural innovation in heritage speakers – Suzanne Aalberse

Transmission of complex variation in a heritage language context:
American Norwegian argument shift across generations – Kari Kinn & Ida 

Discussion and closing

Workshop: Phoneme Inventories
Chair: Tomas Riad

Units of sound — what should we inventory? – Julian Bradfield

An alternative, phonetically based phoneme analysis of the Danish consonant system – Camilla Søballe Horslund, Rasmus Puggaard & Henrik Jørgensen

Chair: Julian Bradfield

The role of contrastive feature hierarchies in the establishment of phoneme inventories – Elan Dresher, Daniel Currie Hall & Sara Mackenzie

Phonemes and features may coexist in phonological representations in a neural network: The role of feature economy – Klaas Seinhorst, Paul Boersma & Silke Hamann

Chair: Markus Pöchtrager

A unified treatment of segments and clusters – Péter Rebrus & Péter Szigetvár

Vowel reduction strategies in the world’s languages: Phonemic and phonetic realisations –Sonja Dahlgren

Chair: Camilla Horslund

Variation in phoneme inventories –Cormac Anderson, Tiago Tresoldi, 
Johann-Mattis List, Simon J. Greenhill, Robert Forkel & Russel D. Gray


Closing (David Natvig)

Multilingualism through diverse voices and contexts of life      

This public event is organized on the occasion of the 2021 International Mother Language Day. Our international researchers from MultiLing, at the University of Oslo, will address institutional, social and emotional notions of multilingualism and the use of mother tongue in different domains of society. 

Time and place: Mar. 12, 2021 9:30 AM–12:10 PM, Zoom

Our Aim

In many areas of the world, social, emotional and institutional challenges in using mother languages are still inevitable. Undoubtedly, there is much to do about the promotion and implementation of multilingualism and the maintenance of the mother language in practice. This event will serve as a powerful reminder of the challenges and inequalities that multilinguals continue to experience on a daily basis when using or maintaining their mother languages.

As researchers, we aim to remind everyone once again that multilingual children of immigrant and/or indigenous communities have an international right to speak, grow up with, and be educated in their own mother language or languages, wherever they reside. We encourage multilinguals, multilingual families, communities, researchers and teachers to take the responsibility for promoting multilingual children's resilience and well-being to cope with the challenges and stand up for their mother languages and multilingualism.

The social contexts covered at this year's event:

  • daily life contexts (e.g., home, school, workplace, outside in society)
  • healthcare
  • family

Session format

This digital event features one 45-minute lecture and three 15-minute talks in three sessions followed by 10-minute discussions. The sessions will be recorded and made partially available online for dissemination purposes.

Sessions and speakers

Session I: Diverse daily life contexts
Mother tongue into socioemotional encounters of multilingualism
 (Yeşim Sevinç)

Session II: Healthcare
An L2-speaking doctor in Norwegian healthcare: Expectations, domains and challenges 
(Oliwia Szymanska)

Session III: Family
From language to emotion: Multilingualism as spectacles to shape young children's perception of the world  
(Liquan Liu)

Homecoming: Multilingualism as a source of family wellbeing amidst the global pandemic 
(Elisabet García González)

NorPol project kick-off seminar

Welcome to a seminar that celebrates the kick-off of the NorPol project (Second-language communication in workplace settings – the case of Polish migrants in Norway), funded by The Research Council of Norway (2020–2024).

Time and place: Feb. 23, 2021 2:15 PM–7:30 PM, Zoom

We have invited a group of international speakers involved in research related to the NorPol project. They have already inspired the NorPol research group, and we believe that their contributions, as well as input from all interested participants, will help us pointing to the future and success for the NorPol project.

The seminar consists of a workshop with invited speakers and a guest lecture by Professor and Distinguished University Scholar Bonny Norton, free of charge and open to all, but we kindly ask you to fill in a registration form. (Deadline for registration 19 February)


Part I Workshop

14.15 Welcome. Presentation of the NorPol project. Toril Opsahl (MultiLing, UiO)

14.30 Practices for doing work together: observations from a multilingual construction site. Linda Kahlin and Hedda Söderlundh (Södertörn University, Sweden) and Matylda Weidner (Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland):
"In this presentation we focus on a small construction site in Sweden, where we observe parallel use of English and Swedish between Polish and Swedish carpenters. We demonstrate how the participants make use of different linguistic, embodied and material resources for collaborative accomplishment of manual tasks and solving specialized work-related problems together."

Chair: Paweł K. Urbanik

15.00 Stereotypes of migrant workers and language in the Norwegian construction industry. Kamilla Kraft (Copenhagen University, Denmark).
"Stereotypes have been identified as a prevalent and important factor in work conditions and relations in Norwegian construction sites, not least for the many migrant workers who characterise the building industry. The role of stereotypes - especially the 'Poles' or 'Eastern Europeans’ ones - has been studied as a co-factor of discrimination and even stratification in the construction industry. Language, e.g. in the form of problematisation of multilingualism, is often part and parcel of such stereotypical constructions. In this presentation I will demonstrate how such constructions play out in everyday practices, institutional discourses as well asnational legislation".

Chair: Magdalena Solarek-Gliniewicz

15.30 Break (15 minutes)

15.45 “Why should I make my life harder?” – Identity and name change in a narrative of a Polish migrant in Norway. Maria Obojska (MLing, University of Luxembourg):
"The present study explores the case of a transnational Polish individual in Norway, who decided to change his first name after the initial experiences of migration. Drawing on audio-recorded interactions in the interview situation, the present contribution investigates identity constructions of the focal participant in his narrative about the name change. The analysis shows that the identity claims the focal participant makes aim at dissociating himself from the powerless, stigmatized
position of a migrant, in which he was cast upon his arrival in Norway."

Chair: Oliwia Szymańska

16.15 Participating in a conversation in Norwegian L2. Paulina Horbowicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
"My research on everyday Polish-Norwegian conversation revealed that there are certain communicative practices that are frequenty found in the L1 delivered speech, but seldom applied by the L2 speakers. In this presentation, the focus is on those practices that serve the function ofdisplaying varying degrees of involvement in the conversation. I discuss how such practices can be used for performing agency in a communicative situation, and look into their potential relevance for workplace interaction."

Chair: Piotr Garbacz

16.45–17.15 General discussion and closing of the first part of the program.

Chair: Jan Svennevig

Part II Guest lecture

18.30–19.30 Identity, Language Learning, and the Multilingual Workplace.

Professor Bonny Norton (Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia, Canada):
"In this presentation, I will draw on my research with immigrant women in Canada (Norton, 2013) to examine the complex relationship between identity, language learning, and the multilingual workplace. This research has been central in helping me to better understand how adult language learners navigate new linguistic communities as they claim the right to speak and be heard. While my earlier work focused on the way diverse power relations structure opportunities for language learning, my more recent work (Darvin & Norton, 2015) has investigated how language learners’ investment in imagined identities impacts language learning. My research has found that when adult immigrants try to enter communities that offer possibilities for the future, they often reframe relationships with target language speakers in order to claim more powerful identities from which to speak. I will conclude by examining free multilingual stories on the Storybooks Norway platform that might expand
identity options for Polish and other adult immigrants in the Norwegian workplace:

Chair: Anne Golden


Workshop on Citizen Sociolinguistics

In early November we held a digital workshop on citizen science and citizen sociolinguistic initiatives. The workshop involved participants from the University of Oslo and international colleagues. The workshop consisted of keynote speeches, shorter invited talks and discussion sessions. The talks were recorded and are uploaded below for anyone to view.

Time: Nov. 3, 2020 2:00 PM–Nov. 4, 2020 4:30 PM

What is Citizen Sociolinguistics?

In recent years, Citizen Science (CS), that is engaging citizens or lay people in doing scientific research, has gained momentum in a wide range of disciplines, including sociolinguistics. CS has a long tradition within natural sciences, and its primary impacts are seen in biological studies of global climate change, in biological changes in natural habitats.

This workshop explores what citizen science is, and particularly what Citizen Sociolinguistics is. It presents examples of different CS initiatives and discusses the epistemological rationale for CS, and particularly CS projects within humanities. Important topics for discussion concern the quality of citizen data, the ability of citizens’ protocol to produce valid data, the level of citizen involvement in the research process, as well as the extent to which and how CS can lead to empowerment and democratisation as stated in many recent international research policy papers. The workshop also includes the role of CS as part of an open science policy.


November 3 
  • Welcome and Introduction
    Bente A. Svendsen, MultiLing, University of Oslo
  • Plenary Speaker I: From Citizen Science to Citizen Sociolinguistics to Courageous Conversations about Language
    Betsy Rymes, Educational Linguistic Division, University of Pennsylvania
  • Plants, people, and participation
    Anneleen Kool, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
  • Reciprocal citizen science? Getting to know other ways of knowing
    Emily Oswald, Department of Education, University of Oslo
  • Citizen Science in Minority Language Communities: “Stimmen”
    Nanna Haug Hilton, Center for Language and Cognition, Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics, University of Groningen
  • Language Landscape: exploring the dynamics of engaging with people
    Samantha Goodchild, MultiLing, University of Oslo
  • Breakout rooms discussion
  • Discussion in plenary
  • Closing of Day 1
    Bente Ailin Svendsen, MultiLing, University of Oslo
November 4 
  • Welcome
    Bente A. Svendsen, MultiLing, University of Oslo
  • Plenary speaker II: The participatory epistemic cultures of citizen humanities: Bildung, ethics and epistemic subjects
    Dick Kasperowski, Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg
  • PanMeMic: Collective research on Social Interaction and Communication during and beyond the pandemic
    Elisabetta Adami, School of Languages, Culture and Societies, University of Leeds
  • Citizen Sociolinguistics – Setting up a qualitative citizen science project
    Bente A. Svendsen, MultiLing, University of Oslo
  • Citizen Science – a dimension in Science policy
    Anne Riiser, Thomas Evensen og Marit Møllhausen, Research Council of Norway
  • Presenting ECSA's 10 Principles of Citizen Science, and the Characteristics of Citizen Science
    Margaret Gold, European Association for Citizen Science
  • Breakout room discussion
  • Plenary discussion
  • Way Forward and Closing of Day 2
    Bente A. Svendsen, MultiLing, University of Oslo


Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (MultiLing), Bente Ailin Svendsen, Samantha Goodchild and Zahir Athari

Dementia and Multilingualism

Closing conference of the research project Language and communication in multilingual speakers with dementia (MultiLing Dementia), funded by The Research Council of Norway (2017-2021).

Time and place: Oct. 29, 2020 9:00 AM–6:00 PM, Niels Teschows Hus, Niels Henrik Abels vei 36, Oslo

This event will be live-streamed on Zoom.


  • Welcome
  • Overview of the results of the MultiLing Dementia project (Jan Svennevig, MultiLing - University of Oslo)
  • Combining interactional and psycholinguistic approaches to language use by persons with dementia (PWDs) (Anne Marie Landmark & Pernille Hansen, MultiLing, University of Oslo)
  • Discourses of dementia and aging immigrants with dementia in traditional Norwegian media (Bente A. Svendsen, MultiLing, University of Oslo, Maarja Siiner, Aarhus University, and Aafke Diepeveen, University of Oslo)
  • Multilingual interaction and dementia: What do we know? What might the future look like? (Charlotta Plejert, Linköping University)
  • Assessment of dementia in multicultural populations (Rune Nielsen, Danish Dementia Research Center)
  • Barriers and facilitators to accessing and using dementia care by minority ethnic groups in Norway (Ela Czapka, Oslo Metropolitan University )
  • The continuity of cognates: Approaches to empirically establishing form overlap in data from patients with dementia and aphasia (Iris M. Strangmann, Katarina Antolovic, Pernille Hansen, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Monica Norvik, Loraine Obler, CUNY Graduate Center and MultiLing, University of Oslo)
  • What characterises the different types of primary progressive aphasia? (Peter Wetterberg, Oslo University Hospital)
  • Effective communication in multilingual dementia care settings: two animated films (Alison Wray, Cardiff University)
  • Tracking sentence comprehension in speakers with and without dementia (Ingeborg Ribu, MultiLing, University of Oslo)


Jan Svennevig, Anne Marie Landmark and Pernille Hansen

Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication 8 (EELC8)

Online conference: EELC8 will be livestreamed using Zoom. 

The theme of the eighth biennial Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication conference is “Perspectives across disciplinary and political borders.”

Time and place: Sep. 24, 2020 9:00 AM–Sep. 25, 2020 4:00 PM, University of Oslo, Blindern

Keynote speakers

  • Christine Hélot
  • Quentin Williams
  • Bente Ailin Svendsen


Institute for Teacher Education and School Research and Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan


Women and Leadership 2019

This international round-table brings together top women leaders.

Time and place: Oct. 25, 2019 9:30 AM–4:15 PM, Helga Engs hus, Aud. 3

The event is open to everyone and free of charge. 

Session format

We will explore topics through six short talks followed by five minutes of questions. Additionally, we will have two 30-40-minute discussions lead by the organizer. Find the full program here.

Confirmed speakers

  • H.E. Professor Hirut Woldemariam, Minister of Science and Higher Education, Ethiopia
  • Professor Allyson Jule, Author of Speaking Up: Understanding Language and Gender, Canada
  • Åse Gornitzka (PhD), Vice Rector for Research and Internationalization​, Norway
  • Gro Brækken, Secretary General from the Norwegian Institute of Directors, Norway
  • Nadja Macht, Head of Product Operations at Jimdo GmbH, Germany
  • Solveig Busk Halvorsen, Doctors Without Borders (MSF), Norway.

Our aim

We want to assist and encourage the next generation of women to take the lead and learn about what leadership means and entails in different professions. 

The women at this year's event come from:

  • higher education
  • the corporate world
  • the political sphere

It's time for honesty. We want to engage in an open conversation that will serve as a powerful reminder that there is still much to do about gender equality and the promotion of women in leadership roles in diverse workplace contexts globally.


Despite gains in education and the workplace over the past 50 years, men continue to outnumber women in leadership positions in nearly all professions making women underrepresented. Research shows that structural complexities, socio-cultural norms, stereotypes, discrimination, sexism and gendered bias are among the key obstacles to women’s advancement and contribute to the so-called “gender leadership gap”.

Last year’s “Women and Leadership” round-table at the University of Oslo was successful in bringing together a group of international female academic leaders to discuss the challenges and victories of female leadership within different academic contexts, institutional traditions and paradigms. This year we are opening up the forum to include women leaders from a variety of fields in order to better understand the adversity women face concerning career advancement and leadership roles.

This event is funded by the Faculty of Humanities.


Kellie Gonçalves

Visual prompts and visual methods in multilingualism research

An international three-day workshop with the aim of reflecting on the use of pictures in a language-based discipline. This workshop is part of MultiLing’s Colloquium B, “Engaging innovative methodologies in studying multilingualism across the lifespan”.

Time and place: June 17, 2019 2:15 PM–June 19, 2019 5:00 PM, 12th floor, Niels Treschows hus

About the workshop

Pictures are used in elicitation tasks to test for vocabulary, they are prompts to initiate free speech and to assess children's story telling abilities and they are used in experiments to understand eye movement as it is relevant in speech processing. Researchers present pictures to elicit language. But drawings are also used to understand languages in the lives of speakers, e.g. when children are asked to draw language portraits or take pictures of relevant places linked to minoritized languages. Children then produce pictures that help them to talk about languages and language experience.

Just as utterances cannot be seen as neutral representations of the world, neither can pictures. The aim of this workshop is thus to discuss how and why we make use of visual prompts and visual methods and how this influences what we learn about speech and language experience.

Overarching questions

This part of the workshop is meant to center around discussions of the use of pictures in multilingualism research. This includes questions and topics like:

  • Where do pictures start? Visual cues and graphic elements in prompts
  • What kind of visual literacy is needed to deal with pictures in the language sciences?
  • How do translations and cultural bias play out in visual prompts and language testing?
  • Accessibility of activities – relating to children's lifeworlds by using picture books and stories
  • Verbalizing the unspeakable – drawing as a way to elicitate emotions and experiences
  • Creativity in methods, creativity in languages – engaging on art-based research and translanguaging
  • Collaborative research around visual methods

The invited participants of this workshop represent a mix of researchers: sociocognitive and psycholinguistically oriented researchers from MultiLing and the UiO as well as researchers from ethnographic, sociocultural and phenomenological traditions, among them international guests with a background in creative methodology. 


Open programme day 1

The first day of the workshop Visual prompts and visual methods in multilingualism research takes place in the 12 floor of Niels Treschows hus from 14:15 to 18:00. It includes two plenaries, a methodological exhibition and tapas. 

  • Welcome to MultiLing
    by center director Elizabeth Lanza and deputy director Unn Røyneland


  • Annelies Kusters (Herriot-Watt University) and Maartje De Meulder (University of Namur): The use of language portraits in the study of multilingual and multimodal repertoires
  • Eva Soroli (University of Lille): The relationship between language and our visual perception

Confirmed presentations for the material session 

  • Kristin Vold Lexander (MultiLing, UiO) and Jannis Androutsopoulos (Universität Hamburg/MultiLing): Mediagrams: A methodology for collaborative research on mediational repertoires
  • Joanna Kędra (Department of Language and Communication Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Finland): Interactive collage in auto-driven visual elicitation interviews
  • Joanna Barrett (Eurac Research, Bolzano): “Languages: on our doorstep and around the world”: A travelling exhibition for promoting language diversity in South Tyrolean schools
  • Natalia Kartushina (Department of Psychology, UiO): Articulatory feedback in improving non-native sound production
  • Tone Elisabeth Brekke Melzer (Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian studies, UiO): Vocabulary learning with pen or pad? A study of vocabulary learning with and without digital tools for adult second language learners
  • Ane Theimann (Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian studies, UiO): The boy eats the green…: Verb-mediated prediction in young bilingual children
  • Pernille Hansen, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Magdalena Łuniewska & Ewa Haman:  A demonstration of the Cross-linguistic Lexical Tasks
  • Anne Golden & Marte Monsen: Picture prompts in writing exams: assets or restraints?
  • Anton Öttl: Using image based paradigms to  investigate how languages activate gender information
Programme day 2 and 3

Below is the programme for the second and third day of the workshop (June 18-19), taking place in the 12th floor of Niels Treschows hus (joint sessions and parallel B) and MultiLing's meeting room (parallel A). 


General session Tuesday morning

  • Valantis Fyndanis & Sarah Cameron: Cognitive testing: When is it non-verbal?
  • Ewa Haman, Magdalena Łuniewska, Karolina Mieszkowska, Pernille Hansen & Hanne Gram Simonsen: Between universal and language-/culture-specific illustrations of nouns and verbs: The story of the CLT picture base
  • Lotte Thomsen [cancelled]: Preverbal infants map relative body and coalition size, as well as vertical position, to social dominance
  • Brigitta Busch: Expressing the unspeakable: Multimodal creative writing as a way to articulate emotion and experience
  • Gail Prasad: Research Multilingualism Creatively: Arts-based approaches to researching children’s lived experiences of multilingualism

Parallel session Tuesday afternoon (14:00–18:00)

  • Parallel A
    Topics: Picture-based language assessment and experiments; Perception of and reaction to visual input
    • Hanna Solberg Andresen: Children, visual stimuli and the question of reliability
    • Eva Soroli: Modological aspects in investigating the relationship between language and thought from a cross-linguistic perspective
    • Mira Goral & Monica Norvik: Picture-based language assessment in multilingual aphasia
    • Unn Røyneland: Sounding local, looking foreign: A visual-verbal guise experiment on attitudes towards different combinations of faces and voices
    • Lotte Thomsen [cancelled]: Return the Favor: Preverbal infants represent direct reciprocity
    • Liquan Liu: Perception after conception: How do babies perceive linguistic and emotional cues on faces?
  • Parallel B
    Topics: Temporality and the visual; Video and film making
    • Anne Pitkänen-Huhta: Envisioning the future by visual means
    • Maartje De Meulder: Using language portraits and language diaries in research on language use and language choice
    • Judith Purkarthofer: Looking back and moving forward: Temporality through visual methods
    • Annelies Kusters: Using participatory video to explore the experience of translanguaging
    • Olga Solovova: The four lenses of biographical workshops: Constructing a collaborative research with/through video camera
    • Jessica Pedersen Belisle Hansen: Producing and preserving: Reflections on video-recordings as data
  • Tour: MultiLing's Socio-Cognitive Laboratory (9:30-10:00)
    by Minna Lehtonen, Hanna Solberg Andresen & Pernille Hansen

Parallel session Wednesday morning (10:15–13:00)

  • Parallel A
    Topic: The development of picture-based language assessment tools
    • Magdalena Łuniewska, Karolina Mieszkowska, Filip Smolik, Ali Talebi & Ewa Haman: Estimating suitability of target words in picture vocabulary tasks: examples from designing Cross-linguistic Lexical Tasks CLT in Czech and Persian
    • Frenette Southwood: Child language assessment in isiXhosa: What can we learn from the LITMUS-CLT and the preliminary CDI?
    • Jelena Kuvac Kraljevic & Ana Matic: Pictures as elicitation materials: their relevance and challenges during the process of test development
    • Ingvild Røste, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Monica Norvik & Nina Høeg: Back to the drawing board: Development of picture stimuli for the Norwegian version of the Comprehensive Aphasia Test
    • Anne Marie Dalby Landmark & Pernille Hansen: Picture-based language assessment as interaction: Some reflections from an interdiciplinary study of multilingual dementia
  • Parallel B
    Topics: Visualizing family and family ties; Didactics and visuals
    • Joanna Kędra: Mapping family communication practices: The limits of creativity in visual elicitation interviews
    • Maria Obojska: “But you cannot draw a language” – experiences in using language portraits in interviews with transnational families
    • Dana Engel & Joanna Barrett: Unlocking linguistic repertoires in the multilingual language village
    • Nayr Ibrahim: Expanding multilingual children’s discursive repertoires: ethical and methodological considerations of an artefactual approach
    • Haley De Korne: Mapping regional language ecologies as a tool for critical language awareness

General session Wednesday afternoon (14:00–16:30)

  • Summary of each parallel
  • General discussion with discussants Ana Deumert and Mira Goral


Judith Purkarthofer, Pernille Hansen and Unn Røyneland

Multilingual practices from antiquity to the present day

The purpose of the round-table is to bring together sociolinguists, classicists and historians who study multilingualism in antiquity and medieval times (Day 1) and in imperial, colonial and postcolonial times (Day 2) and to engage in a dialog about continuities and discontinuities in multilingual practices shaped by conquests, migrations and globalizations.

Time and place: Apr. 29, 2019–Apr. 30, 2019, Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

The seminar is open and free of charge. 


Day 1 Multilingual practices in the ancient and medieval world
  • Welcoming remarks, Elizabeth Lanza (MultiLing), Aneta Pavlenko (MultiLing) and Pia Lane (MultiLing)
  • Rachel Mairs (University of Reading, UK): Multilingual administrations in the Hellenistic world
  • Anastasia Maravela (University of Oslo, Norway): Contexts of multilingualism in Egypt from the Hellenistic to the early Arabic period
  • Alex Mullen (University of Nottingham, UK): Language shift in the multilingual Roman west
  • Yasmine Beale-Rivaya (Texas State University, USA): Shuffling between languages in medieval Iberia: The Mozarabs as an exemplary case study
  • Jonathan Rubin (Bar-Ilan University, Israel): Contact between languages in the Kingdom of Jerusalem
  • Laura Wright (University of Cambridge, UK): On medieval mixed-language business writing in Britain: Evidence from the archive of London Bridge
  • Elise Kleivane (University of Oslo, Norway): Multilingualism in medieval Scandinavia
  • Discussant's remarks and open discussion, Alastair Pennycook (MultiLing and University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
Day 2 Multilingual empires, colonies and nation-states
  • Aneta Pavlenko (MultiLing): The hosts who learned immigrants’ tongues: Multilingualism in tsarist and imperial Russia
  • Roland Willemyns (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) (external link): Why colonial Dutch failed to become a global lingua franca     
  • Pieter Judson (European University Institute, Florence, Italy) (external link): The Habsburg Monarchy Legal, Administrative, and Practical Management of Multilingualism
  • Jan Fellerer (University of Oxford, UK) (external link): Language policies and practices in the Habsburg Empire
  • Benjamin Fortna (University of Arizona, USA): Multilingualism in the Ottoman Empire
  • Li Wei (University College London, UK): Han-Manchu Language Contact and Shift during the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912) China and beyond
  • Pia Lane (MultiLing): Paradoxes of language revitalisation
  • Alexandre Duchêne (University of Fribourg, Switzerland): Late capitalist multilingualism
  • Discussant's remarks and open discussion, Susan Gal (University of Chicago, USA) 


Aneta Pavlenko and Pia Lane


Multilingual writing – methodologies and concepts across contexts

This workshop brings together scholars from different fields and contexts in order to explore multilingual writing from a comparative perspective. We will explore what methodologies and concepts can be useful across diverse socio-linguistic and cultural settings in order to enhance our understanding of multilingual writing practices.

Time and place: Oct. 10, 2018–Oct. 11, 2018, MultiLing meeting room

Although it is not a recent phenomenon, multilingual writing has until recently remained an under-researched area. Most notably, initiatives in different fields indicate a growing interest in and consciousness about the visual semiotics of multilingualism, including research in New Literacies and digital communication, language pedagogy, semiotic landscapes, and ethnolinguistic identity, among others. 

This workshop will bring together scholars from different fields and contexts in order to identify relevant concepts and methods that can provide new insights into multilingual writing. The scholars are invited to reflect on the following questions:

  • What can we learn from different methodologies used in the study of multilingual writing in different fields?
  • What concepts can be useful across diverse contexts and perspectives, to enhance our understanding of multilingual writing practices?
  • How can we draw on a range of perspectives to come to a common understanding of how people use more than one language in writing?
  • What are the possible implications of multilingual writing for education and literacy?


  • The multilingual writing research context
    • Mark Sebba (Lancaster University)
  • Education and literacy
    • Friederike Lüpke (SOAS)
    • Marte Monsen (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)
    • Anne Pitkänen-Huhta (University of Jyväskylä)
    • Anne Golden
    • Haley De Korne
  • Materiality and visuality
    • Adam Jaworski (University of Hong Kong)
    • Carla Jonsson (Stockholm University)
    • Elizabeth Lanza
    • Kellie Gonçalves
  • Creativity and identity
    • Cecelia Cutler (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
    • Jannis Androutsopoulos (Hamburg University/MultiLing)
    • Li Wei (UCL)
    • Åsa Palviainen (University of Jyväskylä)
    • Kristin Vold Lexander
    • Unn Røyneland


Wednesday October 10

I Setting the scene

  • Mark Sebba – Multilingual writing: a view from Linguistics

II Literacy and education

  • Anne Pitkänen-Huhta – Language and literacy in multilingual education: conceptual considerations
  • Anne Golden - The importance of experience. Some selected trends from studies on second language writing in Norway and Sweden 
  • Marte Monsen – Assessment of second language writing according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)-scale
  • Haley de Korne – Scales of transgression: From polynomia to translanguaging in ‘multilingual’ educational writing practices
  • Friederike Lüpke – The writing’s on the wall. Opening spaces for the recognition and use of language-independent literacies 

III Creativity and identity

  • Jannis Androutsopoulos – Trans_scripting: power and poetics of scripts in digital interaction
  • Li Wei – Kongish Daily: Translanguaging creativity and subversiveness  
  • Åsa Palviainen - Project launch: Digitally-mediated communication within contemporary multilingual families across time and space (WhatsInApp, 2018-2022)

Book launch: Multilingual Youth practices in Computer Mediated Communication. Unn Røyneland, Cecelia Cutler, Jannis Androutsopoulos and Kristin Vold Lexander.

Thursday October 11

IV Materiality and visuality

  • Kristin Vold Lexander – Polymedia writing in the extended transnational family. Norwegian-Senegalese children’s practices
  • Carla Jonsson – Multilingual writing in the global workplace           
  • Kellie Gonçalves – YO! or OY? - say what? Creative place-making through a metrolingual artifact in Dumbo, Brooklyn
  • Adam Jaworski – Writing as assemblage: multilingualism, multimodality and materiality
  • Summing up – introduction by Mark Sebba followed by general discussion


Kristin Vold Lexander, Kellie Goncalves, Haley De Korne and MultiLing

Linguistic landscapes – Public signage as an area of language contacts and conflicts

When we arrive in a new country, public signs, ads and billboards are often the first form of contact we have with the language and script of the place. At this seminar, we will explore linguistic landscapes in Russia, Norway and beyond. 

Time and place: Oct. 4, 2018–Oct. 5, 2018, Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

When we arrive in a new country, public signs, ads and billboards are often the first form of contact we have with the language and script of the place. In the absence of familiar languages, these signs may cause frustration and disappointment, while in experienced hands multilingualism can become a useful marketing device: in the city of Kirkenes, for example, Norwegian-Russian store signs and street signs have been instrumental in encouraging shopping tourism from Russia. Language choices in public space are particularly significant in multilingual countries like Russia, where more than 100 minority languages are spoken and 35 are considered official regional languages alongside Russian. In such a context, each instance of language choice and representation in public signage transmits symbolic messages regarding legitimacy, centrality and relevance of particular languages and the people they represent.

Conceived as an equitable collaboration between Russian and Norwegian colleagues, the proposed seminar has three interrelated aims. Our first aim is to develop greater understanding of Russian language policies and minority language politics among Western scholars. Our second aim is to share the wealth of expertise developed by Norwegian experts on multilingualism and language policy. Our third and most important aim is to exchange experiences and develop potential collaborations for future research, including in the High North and the Arctic, where some minority languages, most notably Sámi, are spoken on both sides of the border.

The seminar is organized by the Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, with financial support from The Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg. 


Thursday, October 4
  • Introduction by Elizabeth Lanza (Director of MultiLing, University of Oslo)
  • Aneta Pavlenko (MultiLing) A stroll on the Nevsky circa 1846: What multilingual shop signs reveal and conceal
  • Vlada Baranova (Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg) and Kapitolina Fedorova (European University at St. Petersburg/Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul) ‘Dear guests’ or ‘unwelcomed intruders’? How minority languages are represented in St. Petersburg’s linguistic landscape
  • Alla Kirilina (Moscow International Academy) Linguistic landscape of Moscow: Trends and features
  • Konstantin Grigorichev (Irkutsk State University) "Bazaar pidgin" and "Russian Chinese": Language marking of contact and conflict in the urban space of Irkutsk
  • Pia Lane & Olga Solovova (MultiLing) Linguistic landscapes in the Northern borderlands – a nexus analysis
  • Hilde Sollid (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) Road signs as targets: Tensions and conviviality in multilingual Northern Norway
  • Anja Pesch (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) Schoolscapes as constructions of multilingualism – a case study of two kindergartens
  • Judith Purkarthofer (MultiLing) Intended multilingualism? Reading Linguistic Landscapes as representations of space in schools
  • Discussion
Friday, October 5
  • Robert Blackwood (University of Liverpool) Murmansk Airport on Instagram: Representations of an Arctic airport through a mediated linguistic landscape
  • Ludmila Fedorova (Institute of linguistics of Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow) The linguistic landscape of today’s Yerevan
  • Zufar Makhmutov (Institute of History of the Republic of Tatarstan) The linguistic landscapes of Tatar national Internet
  • Maimu Berezkina (The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth/MultiLing) When state communication moves online: Russian in the virtual linguistic landscape of e-Estonia
  • Sebastian Muth (Lancaster University) Where post-Soviet never ends: Russian language and identity in the linguistic landscapes of Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria
  • Elizabeth Lanza (MultiLing) Place and mobility: The linguistic landscape in contemporary globalization
  • Discussion and summing up


Aneta Pavlenko and Elizabeth Lanza

Women and Leadership 2018

This two-day round-table aims to bring an international group of leading female scholars to Oslo to discuss their current positions and inform younger scholars about the choices, rewards, and challenges such leadership posts entail.

Time and place: May 31, 2018–June 1, 2018, Helga Engs Hus, Auditorium 3

This international event is an opportunity for younger scholars to learn first hand what leadership means within different academic contexts and what it requires for female scholars in particular. This round table is open to academics (both male and female) at all levels, who are interested in learning more about the specific demands women have in various leadership positions across a wide range of universities and hierarchical contexts (spanning from departmental, faculty and university level administration).

Future leadership roles in academia

This event will provide participants the chance to exchange information about their own academic trajectories, positions, and experiences while simultaneously gaining insight into other institutional traditions and paradigms. In addition, this event will foster mentoring opportunities to younger scholars committed to an academic career and possible prospects for a future leadership role within academia.


  • Åse Gornitzka (University of Oslo) - "The pink dilemma - Reflections on being an academic, a woman, and a newbie leader"
  • Virginia Richter (University of Bern, Switzerland) - “The Joys of Admin. Power and collaboration at different academic levels”
  • Helen Kelly-Holmes (University of Limerick, Ireland) - “Powerful women, a threat to men - and women?”
  • Fanny Duckert (University of Oslo) - "What are the tasks of a leader?"
  • Surin Kaur (University of Malaya, Malaysia) - “Women and leadership – what do we know from research?”
  • Ellen Rees (University of Oslo) - “The power of discomfort: Identifying and living your ambitions”
  • Máiréad Moriarty (University of Limerick, Ireland) - “Balancing on the tightrope: Challenges and opportunities in a first leadership role”
  • Elana Shohamy (Tel Aviv University, Israel) - “How to initiate a sub-field of research and become the founder of an academic journal?”
  • Elizabeth Lanza (MultiLing, University of Oslo) - “What are the challenges of juggling an international research center?”
  • Beatrix Busse (University of Heidelberg, Germany) - "Lean in or ladies' lonely leadership? – That's the question!"
Additional panel discussants:
  • Eirik Welo (University of Oslo)
  • Piotr Garbacz (University of Oslo)
  • Robert Blackwood (University of Liverpool, UK) (external link)
  • Bjørn Ramberg (University of Oslo)

This event is funded by the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Oslo.


Kellie Gonçalves and MultiLing


Standardising Minority Languages

Closing conference and book launch for the project "Standardising Minority Languages" (STANDARDS).

Time and place: Dec. 7, 2017 9:30 AM–Dec. 8, 2017 4:00 PM, MultiLing meeting room

Closing conference and book launch

The conference will mark the closure/closing of the STANDARDS-project and launch the volume Standardizing Minority Languages. Competing Ideologies of Authority and Authenticity in the Global Periphery, edited by Pia Lane, James Costa and Haley De Korne.

The volume is published Open Access by Routledge, and may be downloaded here. 

The conference will consist of presentations of select chapters from the book, as well as presentations by scholars and policy-makers working with minority languages, and group discussion sessions.


Thursday, December 7th
  • Welcome (Pia Lane, James Costa, Haley De Korne and Unn Røyneland)
  • Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin (University of Limerick): Legitimacy and necessity in the creation of minority language standards and in their reform
  • Bernadette O'Rourke (Heriot-Watt University): Negotiating the standard in contemporary Galicia
  • Elina Kangas (University of Oslo): New Speakers of Meänkieli and language standardization
  • Pia Lane (University of Oslo): Language standardisation as frozen mediated actions – the materiality of language standardization
  • Aleksandra Oszmianska-Pagett (WSJO/Council of Europe): How do new communication technologies create a challenge for the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages?
  • Discussion
Friday, December 8th
  • Alexandra Jaffe (California State University Long Beach): Standards at the Intersection of the Experiential and the Political   
  • Diana Camps (University of Oslo): Legitimating Limburgish: The reproduction of heritage 
  • James Costa (University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle): On the pros and cons of standardizing Scots: Notes from the North of a small island 
  • Donna  Patrick (Carleton University): Standardization of Inuit languages in Canada
  • Haley De Korne (University of Oslo): "That's too much to learn": Writing, longevity, and urgency in the Isthmus Zapotec speech community
  • Unn Røyneland (University of Oslo): Democratic deliberation in language planning
  • Discussion
  • Documentary movie ’The Secret Language’ Lightsource Productions (To be confirmed)  


  • Alexandra Jaffe (California State University Long Beach)
  • Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin (University of Limerick)
  • Donna Patrick (Carleton University)
  • Bernadette O'Rourke (Heriot-Watt University)
  • Aleksandra Oszmianska-Pagett (WSJO)
  • Jeela Palluq-Cloutier (Inuit Uqausinginnik Taiguusiliuqtiit, Inuit Language Authority of Nunavut)
  • Unn Røyneland (University of Oslo)
  • Haley De Korne (University of Oslo)
  • James Costa (University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle)
  • Pia Lane (University of Oslo)
  • Diana Camps (University of Oslo)
  • Elina Kangas (University of Oslo)

Project participants

Pia Lane (PI), James Costa, Haley De Korne, Diana Camps and Elina Kangas


University of Tromsø, University of Uppsala, the Department of Sami and Minority Affairs - Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation and Secretariat of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages – Council of Europe

About the STANDARDS project

Why and how are minority languages increasingly standardized around the world? The project Standardising Minority Languages – STANDARDS focusses on the role of social actors in processes of standardization, or, in other words: how people react when a written standard of their language is established or developed. Developing a standard for a minority language is not a neutral process; this has consequences for the status of the language and how the language users/speakers relate to the new standard. An unaddressed dimension of minority language standardization has been how social actors engage with, support, negotiate, resist and even reject such processes.

Our focus is on social actors rather than language as a means for analysing the complexity and tensions inherent in contemporary standardization processes. By considering the perspectives and actions of people who participate in or are affected by minority language politics, the project aims to provide a comparative and nuanced analysis of the complexity and tensions inherent in minority language standardisation processes.

The volume addresses tensions that are born of the renewed or continued need to standardize ‘language’ in the early 21st century across the world. It proposes to go beyond the traditional macro/micro dichotomy by foregrounding the role of actors as they position themselves as users of standard forms of language, oral or written, across sociolinguistic scales. Language policy processes can be seen as practices and ideologies in action and this volume therefore investigates how social actors in a wide range of geographical settings embrace, contribute to, resist and also reject (aspects of) minority language standardization.


Pia Lane and Haley De Korne

Conference: Multilingualism, forensic linguistics, and law

This open conference at Litteraturhuset marks the launch of forensic linguistics as one of MultiLing's research topics, with Aneta Pavlenko as one of several highly esteemed scholars to take part.

Time and place: Oct. 11, 2017 9:00 AM–5:30 PM, Litteraturhuset, Amalie Skram

What is forensic linguistics?

Forensic linguistics is a field at the intersection of language and law. It is a branch of applied linguistics that involves the application of linguistic knowledge, methods, approaches, and insights to the forensic context of law, crime investigation, trial, and judicial procedure. The researchers all bring to the field what they know best about linguistics, whether it is discourse analysis, phonetic analysis, speaker voice identification, or linguistic profiling - linguistic profiling is something that is not only done but also studied, with many forensic linguists deeply concerned about uses and misuses of linguistic profiling in asylum seeker cases.


  • Opening remarks by Elizabeth Lanza
  • Keynote by Tanya Karoli Christensen, University of Copenhagen: On the evidentiary value of pragmatic discourse analysis of data: A Danish counter-terrorism case
  • Predrag Dojčinovič, University of Connecticut: Language as evidence in international criminal trials: A cognitive perspective on the guilty mind of history, politics and culture from Nuremberg to the Hague
  • Dragana Spencer, University of Greenwich: Right to ‘competent’ interpretation in international criminal law proceedings: What role do judges play?
  • Bente Jacobsen, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences: Court interpreting: Key issues and concerns
  • Melissa Wallace, University of Texas at San Antonio: Improving Court Interpreter Certification Exams with Basic Concepts from Testing Theory
  • Tor Langbach, former judge and director general, The Norwegian Court Administration: Police interviews and court interpreting in Norway: My experience during a life in the courts
  • Marit Olave Riis-Johansen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: The presentation of rights and obligations in Norwegian police interviews: A case study from an interview with a non-native speaker
  • Aneta Pavlenko, University of Oslo: The presentation of rights and obligations in police interviews in the USA
  • Katrina Mayfield, London Metropolitan Police & Luna Filipovič, University of East Anglia: Interpreter-assisted investigative interview: What works vs. what does not work, and why
  • Kristina Kepinska Jakobsen: Providing Trauma Support within the Investigative Interview
  • Roundtable discussion


Aneta Pavlenko, Elizabeth Lanza and Anne Golden


Bridging gaps: Conceptual and epistemological approaches

A discussion workshop on interdisciplinarity. Open to staff at MultiLing and the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies. Other interested participants, kindly contact the organizers.

Time and place: June 2, 2016–June 3, 2016, Henrik Wergelands hus, MultiLing meeting room 421


One of MultiLing's overarching research goals of is to bridge the gap between sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic approaches to the study of multilingualism. In order to reflect on what it means to bridge this gap, to discuss the challenges this endea​vou​r poses and to contribute to the achievement of this goal, we have invited scholars who have been successful in combining insights from different traditions.


  • Jean-Pierre Chevrot, University of Grenoble, France
  • Elizabeth Lanza, MultiLing, University of Oslo
  • John Lucy, University of Chicago, USA
  • Salikoko Mufwene, University of Chicago, USA
  • Hanne Gram Simonsen, University of Oslo
  • Cécile Vigouroux, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Topics of discussion

We aim to create a space for discussing overarching questions related to interdisciplinary research. These are:

  • What do we mean by inter​disciplinary research? Which gaps are worth to be bridged? Which not and why? 
  • What are the conceptual, epistemological and methodological challenges of​ interdisciplinary research? What are the ontological assumptions that complicate such collaborations? And how can we overcome these?
  • What are the consequences of doing interdisciplinary research in times when academic institutions and national and international funding bodies are still structured along the lines of disciplines?
  • What are the political, economic and ideological realities in which these demands for more inter​disciplinary research are anchored? Who benefits from such interdisciplinary collaborations and who does not?


Alfonso Del Percio and Guri Bordal Steien

Workshop: Dialect acquisition and migration

This workshop aims to bring together sociolinguists from various Northern, Central and Southern European countries to explore, and in turn develop a comprehensive view on, the way second and third generation migrants adapt to the dialects and regiolects in the receiving societies.

Time and place: Apr. 13, 2016–Apr. 15, 2016, Henrik Wergelands hus, MultiLing meeting room 421

Within Europe, there are huge differences in the way the second and third generation migrants adapt to the dialectal and regiolectal ways of speaking found in the receiving societies. They range from (apparently) complete accommodation of the whole repertoire from standard to dialect in places such as Sicily and southern Italy in general, Switzerland, or Norway, to an outright rejection of dialects as spoken by the 'white' autochthonous population and which are perceived as part of middle class mainstream culture, such as in The Netherlands, northern Italy, or (at least parts of) Germany. Variation within a country has also been reported (Denmark).

While these differences may be due to how speakers with an immigrant background position themselves vis-à-vis the receiving societies, they may equally be a consequence of social restrictions imposed on these choices by community norms and by the legitimate, entitled users of dialects. Hence the question of whether second/third generation immigrants use dialects (or at least regional features) seems to reflect both on the status of the dialects in the respective society, and on the relationship between immigrant and non-immigrant population. It is therefore highly indicative of the social processes underlying transformations of late modern European societies due to migration. Differences between rural and urban geographies almost certainly play a role as well. In addition, there may be significant developmental differentiation between early and later generations of immigrants.

Although sociolinguists in various European countries have started to investigate the issue, a comprehensive view and interesting sociolinguistic generalizations are only possible once these single investigations are confronted with each other. The workshop therefore aims at bringing together sociolinguists from various north, middle and south European countries to develop such a perspective and to discuss different methodological approaches to such studies.


Wednesday April 13th
  • Welcome to MultiLing: Elizabeth Lanza, Center Director
  • Introduction: Peter Auer  & Unn Røyneland
  • Presentation 1: Jan-Ola Östman, University of Helsinki, Finland & Lena Ekberg, University of Stockholm, Sweden: Language and integration in rural areas: first- and second-generation dialect acquisition and identity construction
  • Presentation 2: Pia Quist, University of Copenhagen, Denmark: Hybrid use of dialect and ethnolect in an urban housing estate
  • Presentation 3: Unn Røyneland & Bård Uri Jensen, University of Oslo, Norway: Attitudes towards immigrants’ use of local dialects; questions of authenticity, belonging and entitlement
  • Presentation 4: María Sancho Pascual, University of Alcalá / Complutense University of Madrid & Cristina Martinez Sanz, University of Antonio de Nebrija, Spain: Language attitudes and dialect acquisition: Ecuadorians and Dominicans in Madrid
Thursday April 14th
  • Presentation 5: Cécile Evers, University of Pennsylvania: Arabic-French Linguistic Syncretism in Marseille's Housing Projects: How Second-Generation Youth Transformed Marseille’s Historical Dialect into a Vernacular for Young People of Color
  • Presentation 6: Raphael Berthele, University of Fribourg, Switzerland: Dialect as a bond, a barrier, or a threat. Case studies from Romance and Alemannic varieties spoken in Switzerland
  • Presentation 7: Stephan Schmid, University of Zürich, Switzerland: Some features of Swiss German dialects spoken by second-generation immigrants
  • Presentation 8: Peter Auer, University of Freiburg, Germany: Young Stuttgart people with migrant background don't use dialect
  • Presentation 9: Leonie Cornips, Meertens Instituut (KNAW) & Maastricht University, The Netherlands: Exploration on dialect acquisition by new speakers in the Netherlands
  • Presentation 10: Philippe Hambye, University of Louvain, Belgium: How to be legitimately illegitimate? Analyzing the vernacular of French-speaking Belgians of immigrant descent
Friday April 15th
  • Presentation 11: Paul Kerswill, University of York, Penelope Gardner-Chloros, Birkbeck, University of London, UK and Maria Secova, Queen Mary, University of London, UK: Expressing identity in London and Paris: ethnicity, class and youth
  • Presentation 12: Cecelia Cutler, CUNY, USA: “People don’t see me as white”: how appearance plays in dialect acquisition among immigrants in the U.S.
  • Presentation 13: David Britain, University of Bern, Switzerland: Challenges and opportunities for future research on the acquisition of dialects and the development of "new" lects by immigrant groups in Europe
  • Concluding discussion/plans ahead/publication?


Unn Røyneland and Peter Auer


Workshop: Multilingual and L2 interaction in the workplace

This workshop thus aims to make a contribution to showing how issues of language and culture are oriented to in everyday workplace interaction.

Time and place: Oct. 29, 2015 9:00 AM–Oct. 30, 2015 4:00 PM, MultiLing Meeting Room, HW 421

The workforce in many organizations is becoming increasingly international.

This is the result of two parallel globalization processes: partly that companies are expanding to other countries or merging internationally, partly that the labor force is becoming increasingly mobile, with both blue and white collar workers seeking employment abroad. This leads to a situation where more and more employees use a different language than their mother tongue as their work language, and need to collaborate with colleagues with different cultural backgrounds.

This workshop aims to gather researchers investigating the spoken (and embodied) interaction between such co-workers in their daily professional activities. The topics may include such things as lingua franca usage, second language interaction, manifestations of cultural diversity, negotiation of identity and social relations, and the like. The approach adopted is Conversation Analysis, which sees issues of language, style, culture and identity as locally produced and managed.

The workshop thus aims to make a contribution to showing how issues of language and culture are oriented to in everyday workplace interaction.


  • Mie Femø Nielsen, Copenhagen
  • Spencer Hazel, Roskilde/Kolding
  • Louise Tranekjær, Roskilde
  • Dennis Day, Kolding
  • Lorenza Mondada, Freiburg
  • Kamilla Kraft, Oslo
  • Anne Marie Landmark Dalby, Oslo
  • Jan Svennevig, Oslo


Thursday 29 October
  • Mie Femø Nielsen, Copenhagen: Creating trust in international work relations
  • Kamilla Kraft, Oslo: Doing being local through everyday interactions in construction sites.
  • Louise Tranekjær, Roskilde: Developing an interactional alternative to role-play methods in work-related second language teaching of adults - applying CARM to gatekeeping findings
  • Anne Marie Landmark, Oslo: Treatment decisions in lingua franca interaction: dealing with a patient's display of less than full understanding or commitment to a treatment recommendation
Friday 30 October
  • Spencer Hazel, Roskilde/Kolding: Langscaping - exploring the grounds for multilingual interaction in a transient workplace setting
  • Lorenza Mondada, Freiburg: Lingua franca, code-switching and code-mixing in service encounters
  • Jan Svennevig, Oslo: “What’s it called in Norwegian?” Acquiring technical vocabulary in workplace interaction
  • Dennis Day, Kolding: Linguistic virtuosity - how people demonstrate and claim competence in language
  • Plans for future collaboration and publications


Jan Svennevig

Methods for investigating multilingualism in the family: Bridging language acquisition and language policy

Kickoff workshop for the project "MultiFam: Family language policy in multilingual transcultural families". Closed event.

Time and place: Oct. 22, 2015–Oct. 23, 2015, Henrik Wergelands hus, meeting room 421


  • Annick De Houwer, Erfurt University, Germany
  • Jean-Pierre Chevrot, Stendhal University, Grenoble III, France
  • Åsa Palviainen, Jyväskylä University, Finland
  • Xiao-Lan Curdt Christiansen, University of Reading, UK
  • Suzanne Quay, International Christian University, Japan
  • Jon Rogstad, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway
  • Sonja Myhre Holten, The Language Council of Norway
  • Daniel Gusfre Ims, The Language Council of Norway
  • Lars Anders Kulbrandstad, Hedmark University College/University of Oslo
  • Elizaveta Khachaturyan, University of Oslo
  • Elizabeth Lanza, MultiLing
  • Anne Golden, MultiLing
  • Bente Ailin Svendsen, MultiLing
  • Yulia Rodina, MultiLing
  • Judith Purkarthofer, MultiLing
  • Maria Obojska, MultiLing


  • Sonja Myhre Holten and Daniel Gusfre Ims: Official language policy and multlingualism in the family
  • Annick De Houwer: Harmonious Bilingual Development and minority language parenting in Europe
  • Jean-Pierre Chevrot: Language acquisition and language usage: the social, the cognitive, and the network
  • Elizaveta Khachaturyan and Yulia Rodina: The interface of bilingual language proficiency and family language policy: Methodological considerations
  • Elizabeth Lanza, Anne Golden, Bente Ailin Svendsen, Maria Obojska: MultiFam – Family language policy in multilingual transcultural families
  • Judith Purkarthofer: Parental expectations, motivations and fears – multimodal methodologies to understand lived language experience in a family context.
  • Lars Anders Kulbrandstad: Looking back on the project Språkportretter from the late 1990’s
  • Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen: Conflicting language ideologies and contradictory language practices in Singaporean multilingual families
  • Åsa Palviainen: Using nexus analysis to explore the relation between language ideologies, discourses and language use in bilingual families
  • Jon Rogstad: CILS-Children of immigrants - longitudinal study in Norway
  • Suzanne Quay: Methodological challenges and issues in implementing a study of multilingual families in a school setting
  • Where do we go from here? Discussion and Conclusions

Workshop: Language and the political economy

Closed workshop. More information coming shortly.

Time and place: Oct. 5, 2015–Oct. 7, 2015, MultiLing meeting room, HW 421

Invited speakers

  • Monica Heller, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Bonnie McElhinny, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Bonnie Urciuoli, Hamilton College, USA
  • Jacqueline Urla, UMass Amherst, USA
  • Alexandre Duchêne, University of Fribourg, Switzerland


Alfonso Del Percio

Workshop: Standardization as a regime of language

This workshop invites descriptions and analyses of the metalinguistic discourses as well as the linguistic practices that sustain and reproduce, but also potentially contest or inflect regimes  of standardization. Closed workshop: Open to MultiLing members only.

Time and place: Sep. 28, 2015–Sep. 29, 2015, MultiLing meeting room, HW 421

Invited speakers

  • Michael Silverstein, University of Chicago, USA
  • Jacqueline Urla, UMass Amherst, USA
  • Kathryn Woolard, UC San Diego, USA
  • Alexandra Jaffe, CSU Long Beach, USA

Topics of discussion

  • What sort of  regimes of language do different types of language standardization generate?
  • How does language standardization organize social relationships, and construct and regiment difference?
  • How do current regimes of standardization interact with other organizational principles in contemporary societies, such as the valorization of diversity, vernacularity and hybridity?


Sarah Van Hoof and James Costa

Workshop: Multimodal transcription and analysis

The workshop focusses on using the software ELAN to transcribe and analyze video data. Instructors are Jennifer Gerwing and Sara Healing.

Time and place: Sep. 14, 2015–Sep. 15, 2015, MultiLing Meeting Room, HW 421

The workshop focusses on using the software ELAN to transcribe and analyze video data.

On day 1, Gerwig and Healing will introduce the basics of working with ELAN, including viewing, analyzing, and annotating video.

On day 2, they will  introduce a schema for how visible actions function in dialogue, with particular focus on their integration with speech.


MultiLing and OCHER (Oslo Communication in Healthcare Education and Research)

Making Policy Connections across Scales Using Nexus Analysis

Half-day methodology workshop with Francis Hult (Lund University). Open to everyone at the Faculty of Humanities.

Time and place: Aug. 21, 2015 9:15 AM–12:00 PM, Meeting room 536, Henrik Wergelands hus

About the workshop

This workshop presents nexus analysis (Scollon & Scollon, 2004) as a meta-methodology for addressing issues in language policy research. Nexus analysis combines elements of critical discourse analysis, ethnography of communication, and interactional sociolinguistics yet it is more than the sum of these parts, offering a novel and holistic empirical perspective that is ideally suited for addressing multidimensional research questions.

I focus particularly on:

  • key concepts of nexus analysis and their relevance for language policy
  • ways in which nexus analysis can guide critical thinking about data collection and analysis
  • practical benefits and challenges of applying nexus analysis

During interactive discussions, participants will have the opportunity to experiment conceptually with the potential application of nexus analysis to their own current research.

About Francis Hult

Francis Hult holds a PhD in educational linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania. His work appears in major international journals as well as in edited volumes. 


Pia Lane

Workshop on Creoles and Second Language Acquisition

This workshop will discuss the feature pool, Second Language Acquisition and the Emergence of Creoles: What have we Learned to Date? The invited speaker is Professor Salikoko Mufwene (University of Chicago). Registration is necessary to participate in this event.

Time and place: June 8, 2015 10:30 AM–3:00 PM, Meeting room 421, Henrik Wergelands hus

The aim of this workshop is to open a discussion on how research on Creoles can or cannot​ ​ be useful in the understanding of Second Language Acquisition and vice versa. What are the similarities and where are the differences between these instances of language contact?

About Salikoko Mufwene

We are delighted to welcome Salikoko Mufwene as our invited speaker. Mufwene is The Frank J. McLoraine Distinguished Service Professor of Linguistics at the University of Chicago. His research bridges different areas, such as Creoles, indigenized Englishes, and language endangerment, interpreting all of them as different facts of language evolution. He has recently worked on ecological approaches to the phylogenetic emergence of language. Read more on his home page.


  • Introduction by Salikoko Mufwene
  • Discussant session 1: Second Language Acquisition ​Perspectives​
    Discussants: Anne Golden and Ingebjørg Tonne (MultiLing)
  • Discussant session 2: The perspective of contact varieties
    Discussant: Guri Bordal Steien (MultiLing)
  • Discussant session 3: Sociolinguistic Perspectives
    Discussant​​s: Unn Røyneland and Pia Lane (MultiLing)

Mini-workshop: Emotions and Communication

Open workshop.

Time and place: Apr. 21, 2015 9:15 AM–12:00 PM, P.A. Munchs hus, seminar room 5


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Jean-Marc Dewaele (Applied Linguistics and Communication, Birkbeck College, University of London): Communicating and recognizing emotions in multiple languages.
  • Thomas Schubert and Beate Seibt (Psychology, UiO): Social emotions and communal relations.​
  • Yesim Sevinc (MultiLing, UiO): Social-emotional outcomes of the immigrant experience: Language anxiety across three generations.
  • Anneli Mellblom and Arnstein Finset (presented by Anneli Mellblom, Behavioral Sciences in Medicine, UiO): Emotional communication in medical consultations. Data from a study of communication in cancer care.
  • Anne Golden (MultiLing, UiO): What counts as emotion in texts? 
  • Discussion


Anne Golden and Yesim Sevinc

Linguistic Landscape: Quo vadis?

This two-day workshop on linguistic landscapes is open to researchers at MultiLing only.

Time and place: Jan. 15, 2015–Jan. 16, 2015, Meeting room 421, Henrik Wergelands hus

Linguistic landscape research has expanded significantly in recent years from the study of languages used in signs in public spaces to the investigation of a larger range of semiotic resources in public spaces and the media. This workshop aims to stimulate discussion on the scope of linguistic landscape research and the (preferred) direction this field of inquiry takes.

Invited speakers

  • Helen Kelly-Holmes (University of Limerick)
  • Sari Pietikäinen (University of Jyväskylä)
  • Robert Blackwood (university of Liverpool)
  • Brigitta Busch (University of Vienna)


Unn Røyneland and Elizabeth Lanza


Assessing Assessment Tools: Language development in bilingual preschoolers

A two-day workshop organized by Anne Golden, Hanne Gram Simonsen and Yulia Rodina. 

Time and place: Oct. 16, 2014–Oct. 17, 2014, Meeting room 421, Henrik Wergelands hus

Invited speakers

  • Ute Bohnacker (Uppsala University, Sweden)
  • Annick De Houwer (University of Erfurt, Germany)
  • Ewa Haman (University of Warsaw, Poland)
  • Seyhun Topbaş (Anadolu University, Turkey)
  • Laurie Tuller (François Rabelais University, Tours)


  • Pernille Hansen (MultiLing, University of Oslo)
  • Hanne Gram Simonsen (MultiLing, University of Oslo)
  • Yulia Rodina (MultiLing, University of Oslo)
  • Anne-Cathrine Thurmann-Moe (Statped/National service for special needs education, Oslo)


Thursday, October 16
  • Elizabeth Lanza, Anne Golden & Hanne Gram Simonsen, Welcome
  • Seyhun Topbaş (Anadolu University, Turkey), Developing assessment tools for the identification of language impairments in monolingual and multilingual children speaking Turkish
  • Annick De Houwer (University of Erfurt, Germany) Using the CDI with young bilingual children: some critical remarks and suggestions
  • Anne-Cathrine Thurmann-Moe (Statped/National service for special needs education, Oslo), Transforming CDI checklists into a picture based language screening tool for preschool minority children - experience from the pilot study
  • Laurie Tuller (François Rabelais University, Tours), The COST Action IS0804 Parental Questionnaire (PABIQ): A Complementary Assessment Tool for Identification of SLI in Bilingual Children
  • Ewa Haman (University of Warsaw, Poland), Cross-linguistic Lexical Tasks (CLTs): challenges of tool design and use in diverse multilingual contexts
  • Pernille Hansen & Hanne Gram Simonsen (MultiLing, University of Oslo), The use of CLT and PABIQ in assessment of Polish-Norwegian bilingual children
Friday, October 17
  • Ute Bohnacker (Uppsala University, Sweden), The Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN)
  • Yulia Rodina (MultiLing, University of Oslo), Multilingual assessment of macro- and microstructure in narratives: Evidence from Norwegian-Russian preschool children
  • Discussion


Anne Golden, Hanne Gram Simonsen and Yulia Rodina

Language Planning — Theory and Practice in Dialogue

In this workshop we bring together scholars who have engaged in language planning and standardisation practically and/or theoretically in Europe. 

Time and place: Oct. 13, 2014 11:15 AM–Oct. 14, 2014 7:00 PM, Niels Treschows hus, meeting- conference rooms on the 12th floor

Language planning and standardisation are not neutral processes; they have consequences for the status of the language as well as for how the speakers relate to the standard. Thus, a potential inherent problem with standardisation is whether the speakers themselves will accept and identify with the standard chosen.

Our aim is to assess various normative principles of language planning against practical obstacles and constraints that often determine actual success or failure in standardising projects. What principles and priorities can serve to legitimate such projects of standardisation today? We are particularly interested in considerations pertaining to democratic legitimacy and the significance of participation.

List of speakers

  • Carla Amoros, University of Salamanca, Spain
  • Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin, University of Limerick, Ireland
  • Sue Wright, University of Portsmouth, UK
  • Jussi Ylikoski, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
  • James Costa, MultiLing, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Miren Lourdes Oñederra Olaizola, University of the Basque Country, Spain
  • Roeland van Hout, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • Øyvind Østerud, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Csilla Bartha, University of Szeged, Hungary
  • Lene Antonsen, Arctic University of Norway, Norway
  • Bjørn Ramberg, CSMN, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Unn Røyneland, MultiLing, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Pia Lane, MultiLing, University of Oslo, Norway


Monday, October 13
  • Opening
  • Sue Wright, University of Portsmouth, UK: Respecting diversity – the case of the langues d’oc
  • Øyvind Østerud, University of Oslo, Norway: Democratic legitimacy and participation
  • Roeland van Hout, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands: Planning Dutch in the Netherlands and Flanders: destandardisation, regional languages, multilingualism
  • Miren Lourdes Oñederra Olaizola, University of the Basque Country, Spain: Standardization of Basque: from grammar (1968) to pronunciation (1998)
  • Carla Amorós Negre, University of Salamanca, Spain: Towards the ethnography of language policy in the Spanish-speaking world
Tuesday, October 14
  • Csilla Bartha, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
  • Lene Antonsen and Jussi Ylikoski, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway: A language without borders? North Saami and minority language planning in Norway and Finland
  • Pia Lane, MultiLing, University of Oslo, Norway: Standardising Kven: Participation and the role of users
  • James Costa, MultiLing, University of Oslo, Norway: Planning for the non standard in Shetland: issues and challenges?
  • Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin, University of Limerick, Ireland: Legitimacy, ownership and user participation in language standards and Standard Irish
  • Bjørn Ramberg, CSMN and Unn Røyneland, MultiLing, University of Oslo, Norway: Revision of the Nynorsk standard: deliberation, decision, legitimization

The workshop is open to everyone and free of charge. 


Pia Lane and Unn Røyneland

Child language acquisition and bilingualism: Grammatical development in Russian and Norwegian

A symposium on bilingualism and language acquisition in children. Organised by Yulia Rodina (MultiLing, UiO) and Marit Westergaard (CASTL, UiT), held at and funded by The Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg. Open to everyone. 

Time and place: Oct. 6, 2014–Oct. 7, 2014, The Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg


The symposium aims at establishing contact between child language researchers in Norway and Russia. Our goals are to share knowledge and experience within first and bilingual language acquisition of Norwegian and Russian and to investigate possibilities of creating new joint projects.


Yulia Rodina (MultiLing, UiO) and Marit Westergaard (CASTL, UiT)

11th International Conference on Romani Linguistics

Time and place: Sep. 15, 2014–Sep. 17, 2014, Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo, Norway

The University of Oslo in cooperation with Aarhus University will host the 11th International Conference on Romani Linguistics in 2014.


Monday, 15 September
  • Official opening with the Scientific Committee, representatives from the University of Oslo and the Research Council of Norway, and State Secretary Anders Bals from the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation
  • Reception at Oslo City Hall
Tuesday, 16 September


  • Finnish Romani dialectology. A preliminary sketch (Kimmo Granqvist)
  • Rediscovered Central Romani in Ukrainian Galicia (Michael Beníšek)
  • Romani coin names: cross-dialectal observations (Peter Bakker)

Grammar and contact, part 1

  • Multal and paucal quantifiers in Central Romani (Viktor Elšík)
  • Nominal overdetermination in Romani (Aurore Tirard)
  • Future reference in Vend Romani (Zuzana Bodnárová)
  • The emergence of object clitics in two Italian Romani dialects (Daniele Viktor Leggio / Yaron Matras)
  • German and Slavic verb aspect systems in the Lotfitka Romani dialect (Anton Tenser)
Wednesday, 17 September

Grammar and contact, part 2

  • Unevenly mixed Romani languages (Evangelia Adamou / Kimmo Granqvist)

Sociolinguistics and language attitudes

  • The Romani Language In Skopje Today: Standard, Koine, and Dialectal Specificity (Victor A. Friedman)
  • Historical perceptions of Norwegian Romani (Jakob Wiedner)
  • Understanding the plurilingualism of Roma teenagers in Greece: representations and perspectives (Eleni Ntalampyra)

Language corpora

  • Functional expansion and language change revisited using the ROMTEX corpus (Barbara Schrammel-Leber)
  • Translation between calquing and creativity (Dieter Halwachs) 
  • Corpus of Russian Romani: methodology, goals and planned outcomes (Kirill Kozhanov)


MultiLing and Aarhus Universitet (Jakob Wiedner, Peter Bakker)

Scientific committee

Peter Bakker
Yaron Matras
Rolf Theil
Jakob Wiedner


The 11th ICRL is in part funded by the Research Council of Norway and SAMKUL.


MultiLing Opening Conference

We are celebrating the opening of MultiLing with an open, no-fee conference. Members of the Center's Scientific Advisory Board will be giving 30-minute presentations on various aspects of multilingualism.

Time and place: Aug. 30, 2013 1:00 PM–Aug. 31, 2013 1:30 PM, Georg Sverdrup Building, Auditorium 1

The conference is open to everyone. There is no registration or conference fee. 


Friday, August 30
  • Official opening
    Pro-Rector Professor Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld
    Dr. Liv Furuberg, Research Council of Norway
    Dean, Faculty of Humanities,  Professor Trine Syvertsen
    Chair, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, Professor Kristian E. Kristoffersen
    Center Director, Professor Elizabeth Lanza
    The MultiLing Team
  • Multilingualism in a postapartheid humanities
    Christopher Stroud
  • Using the CDI for assessing young bilingual children's language knowledge and use: Methodological considerations
    Annick De Houwer
  • Bilingual brains
    Brendan Weekes
  • Linguistic landscape: A research tool for the study of multilingual issues in society
    Elana Shohamy
Saturday, August 31
  •  Multilingual Aphasia and the Bilingual Executive Function Superiority Effect
    Loraine Obler
  • Dynamic Systems Theory: Do we really need another theory of Second Language Development?
    Kees de Bot
  • Code-mixing and language fusion: When bilingual talk becomes monolingual
    Peter Auer
  • Commodification of Russian and its challenges to theories of globalization and superdiversity
    Aneta Pavlenko
Published Mar. 22, 2022 2:35 PM - Last modified May 31, 2024 2:01 PM