Norwegian Official Language Policy – Its Programme, Theory, and Implementation

Nina Teigland (PhD Fellow, University of Bergen) will discuss language policy in Norway from a public policy perspective.

Picture of Nina Teigland

Photo: Moment Studio


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Norway has a long tradition of language planning, mainly in relation to the standardization of the two written languages Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian Nynorsk. However, in the 2000s, Norwegian language policy developed into a more multifaceted and complex language policy. The 2008 language policy white paper Mål og meining. Ein heilskapeleg norsk språkpolitikk, shapes Norwegian language policy as a cross-sectoral policy and has three main aims: Firstly, protecting Norwegian as a complete language from increased pressure from English. Secondly, strengthening the use and status of Nynorsk versus Bokmål, and thirdly protecting national minority languages and Norwegian sign language. The 2008 language policy hence places Norway as a multilingual nation in a globalized world. This policy is continued in the 2020 white paper on language policy and in 2022 the enforcement of The Act Relating to Language regulated this language policy in law.

There is, however, a lack of research on the official Norwegian language policy and planning in the 2000s and forward. There is anecdotal evidence that the language policy has been difficult to implement. By drawing on theory and frameworks from public policy studies, my research is an ex post evaluation of the Norwegian official language policy, focusing on protecting Norwegian as a complete language. My dissertation aims at assessing the programme theory of the Norwegian Language policy and its implementation, using the higher education sector as an example field.



Nina Teigland is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Linguistics, Literature and Aesthetic studies at the University of Bergen, Norway. She has work experience as Deputy Director General of the Norwegian Language Council and as an Adviser at the Ministry of Education.


Published Nov. 16, 2023 1:49 PM - Last modified Nov. 16, 2023 1:49 PM