Annual meeting with the Scientific Advisory Board

The annual meeting with MultiLing's Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) was held last week, on October 27–28. In addition to the SAB members, two of our new Adjunct Professors attended the meeting.

SAB, Adjunct Professors, Deputy Director and Center Director gathered for a group picture.

SAB, Adjunct Professors, Center Director and Deputy Director. (Photo: Nadia Frantsen / UiO)

As a Centre of Excellence, we are approaching our midterm evaluation by the Research Council of Norway, which was the topic of this year's SAB meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss strategies to secure a successful midterm evaluation and extended financing for MultiLing as a Centre of Excellence until 2023. We discussed new projects, a self-evaluation of the first five years, our annual report and plans for the last five years of the center, as well as finances.

Li Wei and Rajend Mesthrie
The first day of meetings. Li Wei and Rajend Mesthrie in the front. (Photo: Nadia Frantsen / UiO)

On the first day, the meeting was held at MultiLing’s meeting room. The Department leadership attended this meeting, and MultiLing’s doctoral and postdoctoral fellows got the opportunity to meet with the SAB members to discuss their projects directly and get valuable feedback. The second day we were at Tøyen Hovedgård, which provided us with a beautiful setting.

The meeting ended with a dinner at Grefsenkollen restaurant, located above the city giving us a magnificent view. The MultiLing team members mingled with members of the SAB, the new adjunct professors, the Head of Department at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, and other specially invited guests.

MultiLing’s SAB continues to be an important part of the Center’s organization. Their input, encouragement and support remain a valuable resource for us. We thank alle of the participants for traveling all the way to Oslo to share their knowledge and experience, and by doing so helping MultiLing with our midterm evaluation. 

SAB members and Adjunct Professors attending the meeting:

  • Jannis Androutsopoulos (Adjunct Professor)
  • Peter Auer
  • Kees de Bot
  • Annick De Houwer
  • Marianne Gullberg
  • Rajend Mesthrie
  • Loraine Obler
  • Alastair Pennycook (Adjunct Professor)
  • Elana Shohamy
  • Chris Stroud
  • Brendan Weekes
  • Li Wei

Unable to attend: Mira Goral (Adjunct Professor), Aneta Pavlenko and Ben Rampton

Published Nov. 2, 2016 11:42 AM - Last modified Nov. 3, 2016 1:03 PM