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Turkish language challenges for Norwegian adult learners (completed)

Morphosyntactic development of Turkish as a second language (L2) among adult learners


This project aims to investigate the development of morphosyntactic features in adult L2 learners of Turkish. The aim is to especially concentrate on several structures in Turkish that are challenging for the learners, in this case Norwegian university students who take Turkish at the Departement of Culture studies and oriental languages, UiO. Data comprise of written final exam papers from four semesters, mainly translation tasks.

About the project

The aim of the project is to find out the process of second language learning by adult university students: in this case Norwegian students learning Turkish at IKOS, UiO. The data comprises of written final papers from all four semesters taught at the department. The focus will be on the development of various morpho-syntactic forms which are challenging for Norwegian learners.


Research questions are;

  1. How does the learning process of nominal and verbal morphology improve during the 2 years education?
  2. What types of deviances are prevalent?
  3. Are there any traces of transfer from Norwegian to Turkish in the translation tasks and other texts?

The process of learning Turkish as an L2 will be examined. Specifically, recurrent deviations in several morphosyntactic features, such as errors in nominal groups, case suffixes, verbal inflections, nominalizations and relativizations will be in focus. However, this is not only an error analysis as the correct versions of the same constructions will also be taken into consideration across different stages.



Türker-van der Heiden, Emel and Gözde Mercan (accepted/will be published in 2017). "The Acquisition of Turkish (Genitive)-Possessive Structures by Adult Norwegian Learners", in Teachability and Learnability Across Languages, PALART series, Ragnar Arntzen, Gisela Håkansson, Arnstein Hjelde, Jörg-U Keßler (eds). John Benjamins.

Published Dec. 16, 2014 9:10 PM - Last modified Nov. 21, 2019 2:37 PM