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Polish-Norwegian Bilingual Children: Lexical Development (completed)

We investigate the lexical skills in Polish-Norwegian preschoolers and their monolingual peers, using two new assessment tools developed through the COST Action Bi-SLI to identify language impairment in multilingual children.

Woman and a child by a table doing something.

Demonstration of CLT.

Photo: Pernille Hansen, UiO.

About the project

The lexical development of Polish-Norwegian children is tested with a picture-based assessment tool, Cross-Linguistic Lexical Tasks (CLT), assessing production and comprehension of nouns and verbs in both languages. CLT is developed within the European COST Action IS0804 Bi-SLI, currently covering approximately 20 different languages.

To gather information about the children's background, development and language use in and outside of home, we use Parental Bilingual Questionnaire (PABIQ), background questionnaire developed within the same COST Action.

We investigate Polish-Norwegian children aged 5-6, comparing with monolingual Polish and Norwegian children. We also assess some children with SLI in all groups. In addition to the lexical variables we wish to look at the correlation between lexical development and social background variables. A next step is to investigate younger children through the use of Polish and Norwegian CDIs.


Ewa Haman, Magdalena Luniewska, University of Warsaw.

Published Dec. 8, 2013 10:45 PM - Last modified May 31, 2024 12:49 PM


Hanne Gram Simonsen

(+47) 22854182
(+47) 90128109


  • Hanne Gram Simonsen University of Oslo
  • Pernille Hansen University of Oslo
  • Elisabeth Holm University of Oslo
  • Ingeborg Sophie Bjønness Ribu University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants