To Tatou Reo: Te Reo Maori and the Policy Ideas of Kiwi Youth

Information brochure for policy makers by Nathan John Albury, 2015.

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In New Zealand significant change is also underway with Te Matawai to pass Māori language policy responsibility to iwi. This is the pinnacle of a gradual shift in policy from seeing te reo Māori as a matter for all Kiwis to one of Māori self-determination. This project asked New Zealand youth what they understand revitalisating te reo Māori to actually mean as a policy and sociolinguistic endeavour, what sociolinguistic situation they believe policy should achieve, what they see as policy priorities, and indeed whether they agree with the current changes in language policy. In 2014, University of Otago students aged between 18-24 who self-identify as Māori, Pākeha, or both (Mixed), were invited to completed a qualitative and quantitative online survey about the meaning, purpose and desirable directions of Māori language policy. 1,297 responses were received, including 1,090 Pākeha, 54 Māori and 153 Mixed.

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Published Aug. 23, 2017 5:26 PM - Last modified May 2, 2024 10:44 AM