Decomposing Turns to Enhance Understanding by L2 Speakers

Journal article by Jan Svennevig in Research on Language and Social Interaction, volume 51, issue 4, 2018. 


This study shows how multi-unit turns may be designed to facilitate incremental establishment of intersubjectivity in cases where understanding is at risk. In addressing L2 speakers, L1 speakers decompose their multi-unit turns into smaller units and present them one at a time, in “installments.” They leave a pause between each installment, thereby inviting the recipient to provide acknowledgments along the way, or alternatively, to initiate repair at an early stage. The practice may be used preemptively, to prevent potential problems of understanding from arising, or in response to an indication of an understanding problem by the recipient. The data are in Norwegian with English translation.


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Published Nov. 30, 2018 3:17 PM - Last modified May 2, 2024 10:44 AM