Nyere forskningsresultater på andrespråksskriving i Norge og Sverige med særlig vekt på andrespråkselevers skriving i skolefagene

Journal article written by Anne Golden and Ulrika Magnusson in Acta Didactica Norge - tidsskrift for fagdidaktisk forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid i Norge, volume 13, issue 1, 2019

the MultiLing tree


This article provides an overview of Norwegian and Swedish research on second language writing from the last decade. Three main areas that have generated several studies and new  perspectives in the two countries’ second-language research are identified: 1) Research related to school subjects, genres and registers, 2) Research on vocabulary in a school context, and 3) Multilingual use in writing. These areas are exemplified in the article and contextualized theoretically, and are also related to previous Norwegian and Swedish second-language research on text and vocabulary. Didactic implications of these recent insights are also discussed. The results of the studies we have explored show that in teaching it is essential to work with written material such as textbooks and model texts prior to the writing as well as with the vocabulary. The studies also show the usefulness of multilingual use in teaching.


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Published May 8, 2019 1:31 PM - Last modified May 2, 2024 10:44 AM