Multilingual literacy practices - global perspectives on visuality, materiality, and creativity

Special issue of International Journal of Multilingualism edited by Kristin Vold Lexander, Kellie Goncalves and Haley De Korne, published online 9 July 2020. 

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In this special issue introduction, we briefly discuss the history of multilingual writing research before we examine the research presented in the issue in light of three cross-cutting themes: visuality, materiality, and creativity. We conclude with a summary of the papers and the insights they add to our understanding of shifting multilingual literacy practices in the twenty-first century.

Contributions from Jannis Androutsopoulos; Li Wei, Alfred Tsang, Nick Wong & Pedro Lok; Adam Jaworski; Carla Jonsson & Mona Blåsjö; Friederike Lüpke; and Mark Sebba.

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Published Aug. 18, 2020 12:58 PM - Last modified May 2, 2024 10:44 AM