Securing Understanding in a Second Language: Communication of Rights in Investigative Interviews in the US and Norway

Book chapter by Paweł Urbanik and Aneta Pavlenko in Spaces of Multilingualism by Robert Blackwood and Unn Røyneland (eds.), 2021.


The chapter compares the communication of rights in policeCover of the book Spaces of Multilingualism investigative interviews with second language (L2) speakers in the US and in Norway. Differences between the two contexts involve specific rights and the mode of communication – in the US rights are scripted, while in Norway investigators deliver rights in their own words. The application of Conversation Analysis to four recorded interviews reveals that despite these differences, L2 speakers face similar challenges in both contexts, including a highly formal register and unfamiliar legal jargon. The authors also identify best practices to facilitate the comprehension of rights and offer recommendations for training police investigators who work with L2 speakers.

Read the full chapter on Taylor & Francis' website (open access).

Published Dec. 7, 2021 10:21 AM - Last modified May 2, 2024 10:44 AM