Timeline for student placement

Program starting in September (Fall Semester)

Typical timeline for the placement process - from a student perspective:


Focus: On-boarding

  • Complete GCC Online Questionnaire & schedule Pre-Placement Meeting
  • Confirm internship preferences and priorities
  • Submit revised resume or CV
  • Prepare visa paperwork, if relevant


Focus: Matching

  • Review interview preparation materials
  • Respond quickly to prompts to schedule host organization interview/s
  • Provide feedback to – and receive feedback from – GCC after interview/s
  • Submit visa paperwork, if relevant


Focus: Confirming

  • Respond quickly to prompts to schedule host organization interview/s (continued)
  • Provide feedback to – and receive feedback from – GCC after interview/s (continued)
  • Complete internship confirmation paperwork with GCC


Focus: Finalizing

  • Review pre-arrival program materials
  • Attend GCC Office Hours and/or Pre-Arrival Webinar
  • Prepare for internship program


Publisert 27. feb. 2024 14:19 - Sist endret 27. feb. 2024 14:37