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Graduation Ceremony for MA-candidates from the Faculty of Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Oslo has the pleasure of inviting students who have completed their master's degree in the autumn 2023, or are in the process of completing their master's degree in the spring semester 2024, to a graduation ceremony. 

Illustrasjonsbilde vår

Foto: UiO/ Olaf sunde Christensen

About the seremony

This years' seremony will take place at the University Aula in Domus Media, in the Oslo city center..

Gunn Enli, pro-dean at The Faculty of Humanities, will give a speech and hand out congratulations letter.

The graduation ceremony is only open to master's students who have completed their master's degree in the autumn 2023, or are in the process of completing their master's degree in the spring semester 2024. You may invite up to two guests.

Please meet up well in advance as the ceremony starts on time. 

The dress code is semi-formal. 


To participate, you must register via the online form, Nettskjema.

Go to registration

The deadline for registration is June 1st.


Published Mar. 19, 2024 4:26 PM - Last modified June 17, 2024 1:27 PM