Communication and dissemination plan

A communications plan helps you get the best possible impact for your research communication with the resources available to you.

Project description

As an introduction, explain in a few sentences what your research is about and what you would like to achieve (expected impact) in a way that a 15-year old would understand. Avoid academic terminology and abbreviations.

  • You can’t include everything – what is most important?
  • Try your text out on someone who doesn’t work within your field.

Communication goal

What would you like to achieve by communicating? Try to formulate one main goal.

Example: Getting people to attend your event. Getting listeners to your podcast. Or something else.


Who is likely to benefit from or be interested in your research? These are your target audiences. It is easier to reach a more specific audience than the public at large, and usually way more effective. Make a prioritized list of not more than three audiences to focus your communication work. Examples: Practitioners, decision makers, other researchers, funders, etc.

  • Audience x
  • Audience y
  • Audience z

Channels of communication

Where are you likely to reach your prioritized audiences – what channels or outlets do they use to find information? Be as specific as possible.

Contacts and resources

Your communication activities will require time and resources and it is therefore important to consider their scope. Who do you need to involve to execute your plan? What resources do you have - human and/or financial? Do you need to do most of the work yourself, or do you have access to other resources?

Activity plan

The activity plan shoul contain a description of the tasks, channel of communication, when and who is responsible for each task. 

Download the document 

You can use the document as a template by removing the supporting text (in grey) and fill in your own text below each header.

In the document you will also find  examples and more information about what kind of communication channels are available at UiO.

The plan may also be used if a submission to a funder is a requirement.

Published Feb. 1, 2024 3:08 PM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2024 2:31 PM