
Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 4

We are delighted to announce the workshop Polysemi, concepts and representation by the Centre for Philosophy and the Sciences, University of Oslo. 

Time and place: , GMH 652

Research Scientist Mikkel Lepperød (Simula) will give a talk entitled "Validating models in NeuroAI".

Time and place: , GMH 652

Ethan Brauer (IFIKK) will give a talk entitled "Poincare on Intuition and the Applicability of Mathematics".

Time and place: , GMH 652

Ole Boye (Department of Public and International Law) will give a talk entitled "Human gene editing – the prohibitions against germ line editing and human enhancement".

Time and place: , GMH 652

Christian Airikka (IFIKK) will give a talk entitled "On Role Spacetime Functionalism". 

Time and place: , GMH 652

Jørn Kløvfjell Mjelva (IFIKK) will give a talk entitled "States and properties in a relativistic quantum theory".

Time and place: , GMH 652

Sara Pernille Jensen (IFIKK) will give a talk entitled "Understanding machine learning models - traditional problems call for traditional solutions".

Time and place: , GMH 652

Gard Paulsen (IFIKK) will give a talk entitled "New use for old weather: Histories of collective empiricism and the maritime modernities".