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Book history

Book History is an interdisciplinary field of research. We explore the role of the book as a material object, medium of literature and historically changing cultural artefact from theoretical, empirical and historical perspectives.

Old books i a book shelf. Photo.

Photo: A.B. Rønning

About the group

Literature, in this context, goes beyond the poem, play or novel and comes to be seen as an expression of human culture more generally. 

Book History connects literary study with the sociology of text, textual criticism, cultural history and reception history.

Members of the group largely work with seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Dano-Norwegian, English, French and Spanish literature. As comparatists, however, we principally take an interest in literature in all languages which we are able to read.


PhD fellows and post docs are warmly welcome to the group. 

Doctoral projects

The research group’s host department, ILOS, announces PhD fellowships in literary studies once a year. We welcome promising doctoral projects related to the research foci of the group.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action postdoctoral fellowships

The research group is also interested in hosting Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action postdoc fellows from across the world, and has the capacity to work together with a limited number of qualified researchers on applications every year.

If you are interested, you must send us a concise project idea and an academic career plan (including your key qualifications, where you see yourself in ten years, and an explanation of how a stay at our department would help you develop your qualifications) by February 1st if you wish to be considered for working with us on an application the same year.


The group organizes afternoon tea, normally three times per semester, Thursdays at 15.15-17, at room 718 Niels Treschow's house.

Autumn 2023

Lunch seminars at the University library, Digital scholarship center

  • August 31: Linnea Eirinn Timmermann Buerskogen (PhD-scholar at ILN) on methodological challenges working with the digital ressources at the National Library of Norway
  • October 11: Recent master theses within the field of book history
    • Sverre Christen Ospina Tidemand: Den Skjønne Melusina: the Romance of Mélusine in Denmark-Norway, 1615-1877 (Spring 2023, European culture, IFIKK/IKOS)
    • Andrea Regine Meyer: Historie til folket. En analyse av Rudolf Muus' historiske romaner (Spring 2023, Comparative literature, ILOS)
    • Elzbieta Gontarz: «Populariteten til Ibsens Vildanden i Polen» (Ongoing, Ibsen studies, ILN)
  • November 9: Annika  Rockenberger:  «NorKorr – Norwegian Correspondences. Linking Letters in Norwegian Collections» The talk will be in English, discussion in English and Norwegian.

Spring 2023

The group organizes afternoon tea, normally three times per semester, Thursdays at 15.15-17, at room 718 Niels Treschow's house.

  • March 9: Anne Eidsfeldt from the National library: «Lesing og lesestoff i Christiania rundt 1700» (in Norwegian)
  • March 30: Janicke Stensvaag Kaasa, ILN
  • April 20: Marius Buning, IAKH, will present the ERC-project  Before Copyright– together with PhD fellow Nana Citron (working on on female printers in the Hole Roman Empire) and post doc fellow Andrea Ottone (working on Italian Printing privileges, 16th century)  - NB in room 489 PAM! 
  • May 25: MSCA-post doc Alpo Honkapohja (ILOS) will give a talk based on his research: "Working with Burnt Late Medieval Manuscripts: the Cotton collection in the British Library."

Autumn 2022

  • 8 September: Reading group: Article draft by Thorbjørn Nordbø. 
  • 6 October:  Anna Serafima Svendsen Kvam, ph d -student at ILN, will talk about Torborg Nedreaas' early work, from stories in weekly magazines to highly esteemed short stories, based on her master thesis.
  • 25 October (NB Tuesday!) Lunch seminar, 489, P.A. Munch's house (12-15): Angus Vine, University of Stirling will talk about Marmaduke Rawdon (1610-1669) and his collection of manuscripts. Vine's latest book is Miscellaneous order (2019) Lunch will be served, please sign up by mail to Anne Birgitte ( Program:
    • 12.00/12.15 – 12.45: Lunch
    • 12.45 – 13.30: Angus Vine: «Marmaduke Rawdon (1610-1669), Merchant Antiquary and Family Historian» - abstract
    • 13.30 – 14.00 Discussion + Short break
    • 14.15: Thorbjørn Nordbø: On Antimachiavel
    • 14.30: Giuliano D’Amico: On collections of Ibsen books
    • 14.45. – 15.00: Discussion
  • 24 November: Seminar/reading group - open
  • 15 Desember: Jon Haarberg on the Christmas tree as an object of Norwegian book history. 

For more details, and list of previous lunch seminars, see the Norwegian web page.

Tags: Book History, Literature, Criticism, Bibliography, Cultural history, Literary Scholarship, Textual Criticism, Reception History, Sociology of Literature
Published June 1, 2016 10:19 AM - Last modified Jan. 23, 2024 11:11 AM


Detailed list of participants