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NorPol: L2 Communication among Polish migrants in Norway

The project examines factors that enhance or inhibit communication between Poles and Norwegians in workplace interaction. 

A man and a woman wearing helmets on the workplace. Photo.

About the project

Language skills are often assumed to be crucial for success in working life. The project "Second-language communication in workplace settings — the case of Polish migrants in Norway (NorPol)" highlights the importance of language and communication for understanding inclusion and exclusion in professional settings.

One of the central dimensions of our contemporary working life is the object of study: the communication involving speakers of Norwegian as their second language (L2). More specifically, we look into the case of Polish migrants in Norway. Being the largest migrant group in Norway, speaking a first language (L1) in many ways structurally different from Norwegian, Poles constitute an important case to gain better knowledge of the interplay between language skills and integration.

The project sets out to investigate socio-cultural, interactional and linguistic factors that enhance or inhibit communication between Poles and Norwegians, by asking questions like:

  • Which types of linguistic practices are especially challenging for Polish L2 speakers of Norwegian?
  • What are the characteristics of Poles' L2 Norwegian when communicating, and how does this communicative style affect communication and social relations?
  • To what extent do different stereotypes of Poles and Norwegians affect negotiations of legitimacy and agency in interaction?

We also involve Norwegian L1 speakers by asking how they design their utterances in order to ascertain adequate comprehension in professional settings involving Poles.

By providing knowledge of the factors that enhance or inhibit communication, with an emphasis on workplace interaction, the project is likely to have impact on policy and practice pertaining to inclusion, welfare and secure working life for all citizens.


Primary objective 

Which socio-cultural, interactional and linguistic factors enhance or inhibit communication in Norwegian workplace interaction between Poles and Norwegians?

Secondary objectives

  1. To identify and explain communication styles and linguistic patterns when Poles use Norwegian as their second language (L2) in and across professional settings
  2. To evaluate what aspects of Poles' use of their L2 that account for (un)successful communication
  3. To examine how the L2 speakers cope with communication challenges, and how their interlocutors contribute to mutual understanding
  4. To explore the role of attitudes and negotiation of identity in situated interaction
  5. To extend knowledge about the character of intercultural interactions in professional settings
  6. To suggest implementation of the findings in Norwegian L2 training aimed primarily at workplace communication.


Research council of Norway, FRIPRO scheme.




The Text Laboratory


  • Garbacz, Piotr & Opsahl, Toril (2024). Polish heritage speakers in Norway: Attitudes, use, and maintenance. In Romanowski, Piotr & Seretny, Anna (Ed.), Polish as a Heritage Language Around the World Selected Diaspora Communities. Routledge. ISSN 9781003401995.
  • Golden, Anne & Opsahl, Toril (2023). No(r)way? Language Learning, Stereotypes, and Social Inclusion Among Poles in Norway. Social Inclusion. ISSN 2183-2803. 11(4), p. 80–90. doi: 10.17645/si.v11i4.7112. Full text in Research Archive
  • Golden, Anne & Opsahl, Toril (2023). “Sånn typisk scene fra en polsk komedie egentlig”. Bruk av humorbasert videostimuli i forskning på talere av norsk som andrespråk . NOA - Norsk som andrespråk. ISSN 0801-3284. 39(2), p. 5–36. Full text in Research Archive
  • Szymanska, Oliwia & Golden, Anne (2023). Er å holde hodet kaldt det samme som å (be)holde kaldt blod? Metaforiske uttrykk i norsk og polsk – forståelse og ekvivalens. NOA - Norsk som andrespråk. ISSN 0801-3284. 39(1). Full text in Research Archive
  • Szymanska, Oliwia & Golden, Anne (2022). Å skyte seg selv i foten eller i kneet? Forståelse og produksjon av metaforiske uttrykk i norsk når førstespråket er polsk. In Ragnhildstveit, Silje; Golden, Anne & Gujord, Ann-Kristin Helland (Ed.), Nye innsikter i norsk som andrespråk. Inspirert av Kari Tenfjords forskning. Alvheim og Eide Akademisk forlag. ISSN 978-82-93690-12-2. p. 109–134.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia & Janik, Marta Olga (2022). I en vev av tempus: Tempusbruk i norsk som andrespråk hos en voksen polsk innlærer. In Ragnhildstveit, Silje; Golden, Anne & Gujord, Ann-Kristin Helland (Ed.), Nye innsikter i norsk som andrespråk. Inspirert av Kari Tenfjords forskning. Alvheim og Eide Akademisk forlag. ISSN 978-82-93690-12-2. p. 87–108.
  • Golden, Anne & Szymanska, Oliwia (2022). Griper polske studenter poenget på norsk? Forståelse av metaforiske uttrykk blant norskstuderende i Polen. Nordand : nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning. ISSN 0809-9227. doi: 10.18261/nordand.17.2.1.
  • Opsahl, Toril (2021). Invisible Presence?: Polish in Norwegian Public Space. In Blackwood, Robert & Dunlevy, Deirdre A. (Ed.), Multilingualism in Public Spaces: Empowering and Transforming Communities. Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 9781350186590. p. 111–136. Full text in Research Archive
  • Urbanik, Pawel Kazimierz (2021). Directives in the construction site: Grammatical design and work phases in second language interactions with crane operators. Journal of Pragmatics. ISSN 0378-2166. 178, p. 43–67. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2021.02.016. Full text in Research Archive
  • Golden, Anne; Jensen, Bård Uri & Szymanska, Oliwia (2021). Multiple choice tests in studies of metaphor comprehension among learners of Norwegian. NOA - Norsk som andrespråk. ISSN 0801-3284. 37(1-2/2021), p. 107–132. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2024). With scalpel in hand. Teaching advanced Norwegian to doctors with a foreign background - from research to practical application.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2024). Teaching advanced language to doctors with a foreign background. From research to practical application .
  • Opsahl, Toril; Solheim, Randi; Aa, Leiv Inge & Zahl, Hilde (2024). Ingen dauer av å droppe "den". [Radio]. Språksnakk, NRK P2.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia & Sjo, Toril Kristin (2024). Viderekommen norsk. Språkkompetanse hos utenlandske leger .
  • Olszewska, Aleksandra Ita & Opsahl, Toril (2024). “If you don’t speak Norwegian well, they think you are stupid”: Experiencing and responding to linguistic racism by Polish migrant workers in Norway.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2024). Transfer of L1 practices in migrant physicians.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2024). Achieving mutual understanding with patients when physicians conduct consultations in a second language.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2024). Figurativt språk i hverdagen og på tvers av språk.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Przychodzi Norweg do lekarza… Polske leger i det norske sykehusuniverset.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2023). Polish physicians and language variation in Norway.
  • Opsahl, Toril & Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Velkomst, introduksjon og arrangementsansvar.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Hvorfor (ikke) akademia?
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Multilingualism Research Forum: Metaphor training in L2 doctors - jackpot or blowback?
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2023). Felles forståelse av medisinsk sjargong mellom pasienter og leger med L2-norsk.
  • Urbanik, Pawel Kazimierz (2023). Hva sier byggearbeideren? Norsk og polsk på byggeplassen.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia; Opsahl, Toril; Sapiezynska, Ewa & Lilleslåtten, Mari (2023). Polsk i Norge: Hvordan er det egentlig å lære norsk? [Internet]. Universitetsplassen - en podkast fra UiO.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Kan en metafortrening gi mening? En intervensjonstudie for psykiatere med L2 norsk.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2023). My research and life as a researcher .
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2023). Må noe fortsatt repareres når leger snakker norsk som andrespråk på B2 eller høyere nivå? .
  • Janik, Marta Olga & Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Tempusbruk i norsk som andrespråk hos en voksen polsk innlærer.
  • Golden, Anne & Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Forståelse og produksjon av metaforiske uttrykk i norsk når førstespråket er polsk.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Metaphorical expressions in mental healthcare.
  • Golden, Anne & Opsahl, Toril (2023). Snakk om følelser – emosjoner og språklæring blant voksne norskinnlærere med polsk bakgrunn.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). In search for a better prophylactic. Preparing doctors to perform in Norwegian as a second language.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Metaphors for special purposes. To teach or not to teach? The case of physicians who perform in L2.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Językowy kalejdoskop norweskiej służby zdrowia. Skuteczne praktyki komunikacyjne polskich lekarzy specjalistów.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Constructing a legitimate professional persona in L2.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia & Golden, Anne (2023). Keeping eyes on the ball: Comprehension, learning and use of metaphorical expressions in L2.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Tapping into multilingual resources - metaphorical expressions in migrant doctors.
  • Golden, Anne & Opsahl, Toril (2023). Emotions, well-being and language learning among Polish work migrants in Norway.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2023). Legitimacy in L2 medical talk. Successful practices for shaping a professional persona.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2023). Other-initiated repairs under medical consultations in L2 Norwegian.
  • Opsahl, Toril; Garbacz, Piotr; Golden, Anne; Olszewska, Aleksandra Ita; Szymanska, Oliwia & Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2023). L2 Communication in workplace settings. The case of Polish migrants in Norway (NorPol).
  • Szymanska, Oliwia & Golden, Anne (2022). Throwing lights on L2-learners and metaphors An extended study on Polish students’ comprehension of frequent metaphorical expressions in Norwegian.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2022). Slik sikrer utenlandske leger sin kredibilitet.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). Repair trouble sources in consultations between Polish physicians with L2 Norwegian and patients in specialised healthcare in Norway.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia & Golden, Anne (2022). Authenticity in L2 medical talk and conduct?
  • Opsahl, Toril & Golden, Anne (2022). How (not) to be a legitimate and authentic Polish professional in Norway.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). Polish physicians in Norway in search of becoming legitimate users of Norwegian .
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). NÅR LEGEN SNAKKER NORSK SOM ANDRESPRÅK UNDER MEDISINSKE KONSULTASJONER.Hva innebærer det for tolker? .
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2022). Metaphor competence among L2-doctors .
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). "As doctors we apply too much jargon when we speak". Co-constructing intersubjectivity of medical terms during consultations with Polish physicians speaking Norwegian.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). RECIPIENT DESIGN OF MEDICAL VOCABULARY by Polish physicians with L2 Norwegian .
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). Recipient design of medical terminology: data session with international researchers.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2022). How physicians use metaphors in their L2.
  • Golden, Anne & Opsahl, Toril (2022). Hermegåsa kommer? Erfaringer fra bruk av videostimuli i talespråksforskning.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). Polske overlegers mottakertilpasning av medisinske termer i samtaler med pasienter på norsk.
  • Garbacz, Piotr (2022). What enhances or inhibits communication between Poles and Norwegians in workplace interaction? .
  • Szymanska, Oliwia & Janik, Marta (2022). «Hvis du tåler det godt, så vil jeg gjerne beholde den dosen» Tempusbruk i spontan produksjon hos en voksen norskbruker.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia & Domeradzka, Magdalena (2022). Keep calm and learn Scandinavian: Getting ready for work in Swedish and Norwegian healthcare.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2022). How immigrant doctors secure understanding in L2 communication with patients: Insights from the Norwegian healthcare system.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). Polish physicians with L2 Norwegian in a patient-centred way of communication.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2022). Covid-19 information texts in teaching L2 metaphorical expressions.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena & Garbacz, Piotr (2022). Nor-Pol project. With a focus on recruitment of Polish informants and the data collection.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia & Golden, Anne (2022). L2-metaforiske uttrykk i flomlyset. Polske studenters håndtering av metaforer i norsk.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2022). Insulinpumpen som ikke ville snakke med sensoren. Bruk av metaforiske uttrykk hos leger med L2 norsk.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2022). «Metaforiske uttrykk på 123» Å øke metaforisk bevissthet i L2 ved bruk av samfunnsrelevante tekster.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). Polske overleger med L2 norsk i spesialisthelsetjenesten i Norge. Kommunikasjonsutfordringer og språklige strategier.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). How to transform and adapt medical vocabulary to be more patient-friendly: the case of cardiac resynchronisation therapy analysed with CA.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2022). Polish physicians with L2 Norwegian in a patient-centred way of communication: WELL-STRUCTURED CONSULTATION AS A POINT OF DEPARTURE. .
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2022). How to stimulate metaphoric awareness by deploying public information texts?
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2022). «When a pump ignores a sensor» Metaphorical expressions in physicians consulting their patients in L2.
  • Olszewska, Aleksandra Ita (2022). “JustWork”: In pursuit of linguistic justice in the workplace for Polish migrants to Norway .
  • Opsahl, Toril (2021). Introduction to the NorPol project.
  • Garbacz, Piotr; Golden, Anne; Opsahl, Toril; Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena; Svennevig, Jan & Szymanska, Oliwia [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2021). Hva hemmer og fremmer kommunikasjon mellom nordmenn og polakker? Utrop - Norges første flerkulturelle avis.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2021). An L2-speaking doctor in Norwegian health care: Expectations, Domains and Challenges .
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2021). Norsk som andrespråk i (lege)praksis.
  • Urbanik, Pawel; Opsahl, Toril & Lilleslåtten, Mari (2021). Polske anleggsarbeidere bruker norsk språk målrettet for å løse oppgaver. [Internet]. HF-aktuelt.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2021). In a completely new reality with Norwegian speaking patients – language barriers and strategies used by Polish physicians with Norwegian as their L2 in specialised health care in Norway.
  • Opsahl, Toril & Golden, Anne (2020). Limited by stereotypes? Learning Norwegian as a Pole.
  • Solarek-Gliniewicz, Magdalena (2020). Samhandling ved konsultasjoner i spesialisthelsetjenesten i Norge. Erfaringer fra Tolkesentalen.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2020). Et par ord om kompleksiteten av sykehusuniverset. Innføring i helsenorsk og utfordringer for andrespråksbrukere.
  • Szymanska, Oliwia (2020). Verke, banke, murre, skjære, synkope og prolaps. Dypdykk i symptombeskrivelse - workshop med fokus på helserelatert ordforråd.

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Tags: Multilingual ideologies and language policies, Multilingual language practices, Multilingual competence
Published Mar. 16, 2020 1:58 PM - Last modified June 11, 2024 1:51 PM


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