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Multilingualism, ideologies and language policies

How do provisions in language policy and ideology affect the choice and use of language? What consequences arise in families, schools and in public life?

A man and a woman with building construction helmets. And the woman is pointing.
Photo: Nadia Frantsen/UiO.

Prevailing language policy and ideology have a large impact on the scope of multilingualism in society as well as for how various languages and dialects are valued and used. The way in which multilingualism is managed has an effect on social institutions such as families, workplaces, care institutions and national authorities.

MultiLing explores how social and political power relationships affect multilingual competence and practice. Key issues include:

  • How ideologies affect linguistic practices in the families, school curricula and textbooks.
  • How the global spread of English affects the use and development of Norway’s national languages.
  • How multilingualism manifests itself in society through signage and shop names, and how these reflect or challenge prevailing language ideologies.


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