Praksis i Berlin, London, New York, Sydney og Tokyo

Global Career Center tilbyr praksis som er skreddersydd for deg! I søknadsprosessen får du hjelp til å finne en relevant praksisplass. Underveis får du personlig oppfølging, veiledning og tilbud om faglige webinarer.

Hvordan går du fram?

Når HF nominerer deg til praksis gjennom Global Career Center (GCC), vil en konsulent kontakte deg for en oppfølgingssamtale. Dine ønsker om type oppdragsgiver og arbeidsoppgaver vil være utgangspunkt når GCC kontakter relevante praksisplasser. 

Image may contain: Purple, Font, Violet, Magenta, Material property.

Typical timeline for the placement process

Du må være programstudent på HF (bachelor eller master) og ha mulighet for integrert praksis i graden din.

Meld din interesse for praksisplass ved GCC (nettskjema)


Foreløpig samarbeider HF med GCC om praksisplasser i Berlin, London, New York, Sidney og Tokyo.

Når og hvor lenge?

GCC tilbyr praksis vår, sommer og høst. Varighet 8-12 uker.


  • Søknadsfrist for praksis høsten 2024 er 1. mai 2024
  • Søknadsfrist for praksis våren 2025 er 15. oktober 2024


Hva koster det?

Program Locations and dates - 2024-2025

Fall Semester:

  • (8 weeks) 10 September - 4 November
  • (12 weeks) 10 september - 2 December

2024-2025 Program Fees (per student), Listed in USD

Location, Program 8 weeks with housing 8 weeks without housing 12 weeks with housing 12 weeks without housing
Berlin, Semester

4,280 USD

2,125 USD

6,420 USD

2,425 USD

London, Semester

4,800 USD

3,325 USD

7,200 USD

3,625 USD

New York, Semester

4,800 USD

3,750 USD

7,200 USD

3,950 USD

Sydney, Semester

4,800 USD

2,200 USD

7,200 USD

2,550 USD

Tokyo, Semester

4,520 USD

2,375 USD

6,780 USD

2,725 USD

Toronto, Semester

4,480 USD

2,475 USD

6,720 USD

2.675 USD

Vancouver, Semester

4,480 USD

2,475 USD

6,720 USD

2.675 USD

Additional information about locations and fees:


Berlin - without housing

Berlin-based internship placement and supporting services, including professional development and cultural activities and emergency support. Visa guidance included.

Berlin - with housing

Berlin-based program housing. Program housing is fully furnished and includes access to laundry and cooking facilities. Rate includes all deposits and utilities. 

Several Particularly Strong Industry Areas in Berlin:

IoT, Start Ups, Professional Services, Technology, Data Analysis


London - without housing

London-based internship placement and supporting services, including professional development and cultural activities and emergency support. Visa included.

London - with housing

London-based program housing. Program housing is fully furnished and includes access to laundry and cooking facilities. Rate includes all deposits and utilities. 

New York

New York - without housing

New York City-based internship placement and supporting services, including professional development and cultural activities and emergency support. J1 Intern / Trainee visa paperwork and processing included.

New York - with housing

New York City-based program housing. Program housing is fully furnished and includes access to laundry and cooking facilities. Rate includes all deposits and utilities.

Several Particularly Strong Industry Areas in New York:

Data Analysis, Financial Services, Healthcare, Professional Services, eCommerce


Sydney - without housing

Sydney-based internship placement and supporting services, including professional development and cultural activities and emergency support. Visa guidance included

Sydney - with housing

Sydney-based program housing. Program housing is fully furnished and includes access to laundry and cooking facilities. Rate includes all deposits and utilities.

Several Particularly Strong Industry Areas in Sydney:

Entertainment, Marketing, Professional Services, Tech, Tourism


Tokyo - without housing

Tokyo-based internship placement and supporting services, including professional development and cultural activities and emergency support. Visa guidance included.

Tokyo - with housing

Tokyo-based program housing. Program housing is fully furnished and includes access to laundry and cooking facilities. Rate includes all deposits and utilities.

Several Particularly Strong Industry Areas in Tokyo:

IT, NGOs, Business Administration


Toronto - without housing

Toronto-based internship placement and supporting services, including professional development and cultural activities and emergency support. Visa processing included.

Toronto - with housing

Toronto-based program housing, weekly rate. Program housing is fully furnished and includes access to laundry and cooking facilities. Rate includes all deposits and utilities. While program assumes shared housing, configuration may vary..

Several Particularly Strong Industry Areas in Toronto:

Design, Engineering, Events, Film & Media, Technology


Vancouver - without housing

Vancouver-based internship placement and supporting services, including professional development and cultural activities and emergency support. Visa processing included.

Vancouver - with housing

Vancouver-based program housing, weekly rate. Program housing is fully furnished and includes access to laundry and cooking facilities. Rate includes all deposits and utilities. While program assumes shared housing, configuration may vary.

Several Particularly Strong Industry Areas in Vancouver:

Digital Communications, Media, Technology, Tourism, Trade



Studenter som reiser til Berlin kan søke Erasmus+ stipend for praksis som del av grad.

Studenter som reiser til New York kan søke om Unifor-stipend.


De fleste får tre forskjellige typer støtte til utveksling: basislån, reisestøtte og støtte til skolepenger/programavgift. Du finner spesifisert informasjon på lånekassens nettsider (ekstern nettside).

Økonomiske forpliktelser:

Du forplikter deg ikke økonomisk ved å påbegynne "placement process". Du forplikter deg til å betale 500 USD 90 dager før praksisperioden begynner. Deretter forplikter du deg til å betale ytterligere 500 USD 45 dager før praksisperioden starter. Dette inngår i den totalke programavgiten til GCC.