Project Events

for the project 'Linguistic Capacity Building — Tools for the inclusive development of Ethiopia'


Events 2021

April 2021

"Grammatical and Sociolinguistic Aspects of Ethiopian Languages" published
 Editor(s): Derib Ado, Almaz Wasse Gelagay and Janne Bondi Johannessen.

Grammatical and Sociolinguistic Aspects of Ethiopian Languages From the abstract: The focus of this unique publication is on Ethiopian languages and linguistics. Not only major languages such as Amharic and Oromo receive attention, but also lesser studied ones like Sezo and Nuer are dealt with. The Gurage languages, that often present a descriptive and sociolinguistic puzzle to researchers, have received ample coverage. And for the first time in the history of Ethiopian linguistics, two chapters are dedicated to descriptive studies of Ethiopian Sign Language, as well as two studies on acoustic phonetics. Topics range over a wide spectrum of issues covering the lexicon, sociolinguistics, socio-cultural aspects and micro-linguistic studies on the phonology, morphology and syntax of Ethiopian languages.
This e-book is Open Access under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
Read more

March 2021

Kambata Speech Corpus
Kambata is included in the collection of Ethiopian speech corpora developed by the NORHED project. The corpus has almost 140 000 tokens and 69 speakers. Linguists in charge for the corpus is Dr. Derib Ado.

Amharic Speech Corpus more than doubled in size
The Amharic Speech Corpus is now more than doubled in size and has more than 154 000 tokens and 82 speakers.

There are now eight speech corpora for the following lanuages: Amharic, Gumer, Hadiyya, Hamar, Kambata, Muher, Oromo and Tigrinya. See an overview here.

Seven PhD students have graduated
During the project period seven project PhD students have successfully defended their PhD dissertations:

  • Almaz Wasse
  • Andargachew Deneke
  • Awlachew Shumneka
  • Emebet Bekele Birkie
  • Etaferahu Hailu
  • Pawlos Kassu
  • Tsehay Abza Debo

Events 2020

December 2020

News about Ethiopian speech corpora
Tigrinya is included in the collection of Ethiopian speech corpora developed by the NORHED project. There are now seven speech corpora for the following lanuages: Amharic, Gumer, Hadiyya, Hamar, Muher, Oromo and Tigrinya.

Tigrinya Speech Corpus has 138 600 tokens and 45 speakers. Linguists in charge for the corpus are Dr. Derib Ado and Dr. Feda Neggese.

The Oromo Speech Corpus is expanded and has 266 500 tokens and 88 speakers. Gumer Speech Corpus is also expanded to 37 250 tokens and 22 speakers.

See an overview and search the corpora here

Closing workshop in Adama 16.17. December
The last workshop in the Norhed project Linguistic Capacity Building — Tools for the inclusive development of Ethiopia was arranged in Adama 16.—17. December. All major Ethiopian stakeholders participated and discussed the fruits of our project.

Image may contain: Shoe, Event, Team, Tie, Luggage and bags.

Read about the project and the new Phonetics Lab in Bulletin of the Department of Linguistics and Philology, Addis Ababa University No 10, August 2020.

January 2020

Ethiopian speech corpora expanded

The NORHED project Linguistic Capacity Buliding – Tools for the inclusive development of Ethiopia has expanded the speech corpus collection. The Amharic and Oromo corpora have become much bigger, the Amharic has now nearly 72 000 tokens, Oromo has nearly 42 000. In addition the Hadiyya language has got a small speech corpus with 13 000 tokens:


Events 2019


September 2019

Langesund 23. - 27. September
Project seminar and Workshop on Demonstratives. Read the program.

See photos from the seminar


New: Hadiyya Speech Corpus

The corpus has 13000 tokens and 40 speakers.
Linguists: Dr. Shimelis Mazengia Dr. Zelealm Leyew
Search the corpus


Read about project events in Bulletin of the Department of Linguistics and Philology, Addis Ababa University No 9, September 2019.

August 2019

Kjell Magne Yri publishes his Sidaama Dictionary in cooperation with Steve Pepper. The dictionary also contains a complete grammar and a short grammatical resumé. Read more and use the dictionary.

February 2019

Addis Ababa

1. February: Visit from University of Oslo:

Professor Unn Røyneland: Language policy and planning in Norway: a lesson for the Ethiopian context?

Professor Elizabeth Lanza: Place and mobility: contemporary globalization and the Linguistic Landscape in Ethiopia


Events 2018


September 2018

The 7th Meeting of Signed and Spoken Language Linguistics
September 28 - 30, 2018, Osaka Japan

NORHED project represented with Andargachew Deneke and Pawlos Kassu.

See more pictures.

August 2018

COLING 2018, August 20-26, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
First Workshop on Linguistic Resources for Natural Language Processing

NORHED project represented with Binyam Ephrem Seyoum.

Andargachew Mekonnen Gezmu, Binyam Ephrem Seyoum, Michael Gasser, Andreas Nürnberger: Contemporary Amharic Corpus: Automatically Morpho-Syntactically Tagged Amharic Corpus


Solomon Teferra Abate, Michael Melese, Martha Yifiru Tachbelie, Million Meshesha, Solomon Atinafu, Wondwossen Mulugeta, Yaregal Assabie, Hafte Abera, Binyam Ephrem, Tewodros Abebe, Wondimagegnhue Tsegaye, Amanuel Lemma, Tsegaye Andargie, Seifedin Shifaw: Parallel Corpora for bi-Directional Statistical Machine Translation for Seven Ethiopian Language Pairs 


End of April – mid July

Ethiopian PhD students on a research stay at the University of Oslo

The main aim of this stay was to offer the PhD candidates in the NORHED project the chance to work without disruptions on their research projects, and to talk with their Norwegian supervisors. Some of the eleven candidates combined the stay with conferences elsewhere, where they had been accepted to present papers (NACAL at  University of California, Long Beach, and at Multilingualism 2018, University of Warsaw, Poland) and a sign language summer course at DCAL, University of London. Two open seminars were held where the candidates presented their research (see below). The standard of these presentations was very good,  and on the basis of these and the talks by the senior NORHED participants at NACAL, another project book is now being planned.

June 2018


Ethiopian PhD-students visit professor Janne Bondi Johannessen in her home at Kolsås 22. June.

See the photos



MultiLing seminar on sign language and interpreting, 4. and 5. June

Read about the seminar

(Photo: Terje Heiestad / UiO)


    Multilingualism 2018, 9-10 June, University of Warsaw, Poland

NORHED project represented with Almaz Wasse Gelagay.
Read the program


NACAL conference June 1. - 3., Long Beach, California

Our LCB NORHED project is extremely well represented at this year’s NACAL conference at Long Beach, California. We are represented by: Etaferahu Tessema, Zelealem Temesgen, Feda Negesse, Derib Ado Jekale, Moges Yigezu, Tsehay Abza, Solomon Getahun Assefa, Emebet Bekele, Girma Mengistu Desta, Fekede Menuta, Shimelis Mazengia Beyene, Almaz Wasse Gelagay, Awlachew Shumneka Nurga, Melkeneh Seid, as well as two previous project coordinators Ronny Meyer and  Binyam Sisay Mendisu (UNESCO-IICBA).

Read the program

Unfortunately, not everyone got a visa to the US.

Solomon Getahun Assefa at NACAL


May 2018


Seminar at the University of Oslo 28. - 29. May
Ethiopian languages: Selected topics

Read the program


LREC (11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference) 7-12 May 2018, Miyazaki (Japan)

NORHED project represented with Binyam Ephrem Seyoum.


Binyam Ephrem Seyoum, Yusuke Miyao and Baye Yimam Mekonnen: Universal Dependencies for Amharic

AmharicAndargachew, Mekonnen Gezmu, Andreas Nürnberger and Binyam Ephrem Seyoum: Portable Spelling Corrector for a Less-Resourced Language

February 2018

Addis Ababa

Sign language research workshop at University of Addis Ababa 5 – 9. of February.
Read the program

January 2018


Project planning with project coordinator Derib Ado, Norwegian coordinator Janne Bondi Johannessen and representatives from the University of Oslo and from Norad administrations.

Friday 26 January 2018 14.00:

Guest lecture by Dr. Derib Ado at Department of Linguistic and Scandinavian studies:
Language Planning and Policy in Ethiopia: Challenges and Prospects


Events 2017

November 2017

Addis Ababa

Annual meting with Norad and visit from Norway

Official events during visit:

27th November 2017, Hotel Desalegn
Project meeting with Norad

Public lectures:

Wednesday 29 November 2017
OCR 119, Time: 2:00 PM, AAU

Prof. Janne Bondi Johannessen, University of Oslo:
“Pronominal case in complements of comparative particles in American heritage Norwegian: Facts and factors”

Friday 01 December 2017
OCR 119, AAU, TIme: 2:00 PM, AAU

Prof. Lutz Edzard:
"Noun patterns and compounding in Semitic"

 See photos


October 2017

Addis Ababa University

Workshop in lexicography and corpus linguistics 23.10 - 26.10.2017

Read the program

See pictures from the workshop


Five Ethiopian speech corpora

The NORHED project Linguistic Capacity Buliding – Tools for the inclusive development of Ethiopia has so far made five small speech corpora:

Four Ethiopian web corpora

The HaBiT project has in cooperation with the project Linguistic Capacity Buliding – Tools for the inclusive development of Ethiopia developed web corpora for Amharic, Oromo, Somali and Tigrinya:


Read about project events in Bulletin of the Department of Linguistics and Philology, Addis Ababa University No 8, April 2017.

New publication:

Binyam Sisay Mendisu and Janne Bondi Johannessen (eds.):

Multilingual Ethiopia:

Read more or download

Read about the book launch March 24

February 2017, Brno, Czech Republic

Thursday 16 - Tuesday 21: HaBiT Evaluation Workshop.

Read about the workshop


Events 2016

November 2016, Wolkite

Friday 4th and Sunday 6th: Language Standardization in Gurage – 3rd Workshop
Read the program
See pictures from the workshop

September 2016, Dire Dawa

September 3: Research Workshop on Book Project
Read the program

June 2016

PhD Candidate attends CLIF 2016 conference in Indiana. Read the paper in Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics Fest 2016.


May 2016

Professor Janne Bondi Johannessen was invited to a seminar at UiO with high-ranking officials from Ethiopia, "Capacity Exchange: University of Oslo and Ethiopia"  May 13, 2016. She was asked to talk about our NORHED project, which she did with pride. The ministers were very interested and asked many questions.
More information about participants, program and photos from the seminar.
Read about the seminar on the The Faculty of Medicine webpage.


March 2016, Hawassa

Thursday 10th and Friday 11th:

Networking workshop at Hawassa Central Hotel.
The workshop is organized in collaboration with the Nationalities Council of SNNPR and with the presence of the Honorable Ato Lemma Gezume, Speaker of the Nationalities Council.
Read the program and see more photos from the workshop.

Saturday 12th:

Transcribers workshop at Hawassa Central Hotel.
Read the program and see more photos from the workshop.


Events 2015

Read about project events in Bulletin of the Department of Linguistics and Philology, Addis Ababa University No 7, November 2015.


November 2015

Addis Ababa University

Tuesday 17. November 2015,
03.00 PM, OCR 418
Prof. Lutz Edzard,  University of Oslo:
On the role of South Arabian and Ethio-Semitic within a comparative Semitic lexicographical project

Semein Hotel, Addis Ababa

Monday 16. November 2015:
Annual meeting between the project 'Linguistic Capacity Building — Tools for the inclusive development of Ethiopia' and NORAD

Read the program


Hawassa University

November 12. 2015
Prof. Elizabeth Lanza, Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan University of Oslo:
Methodological Issues in Doing Research on and with Multilinguals

Prof. Jan Svennevig and Prof. Unn Røyneland, Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan University of Oslo:
Language Attitudes and Negotiation of Language and Identity


Addis Ababa University

November 10. 2015, 2.00 PM, OCR Room 418
Prof. Elizabeth Lanza, Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan University of Oslo:
Methodological Issues in Doing Research on and with Multilinguals

Prof. Jan Svennevig and Prof. Unn Røyneland, Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan University of Oslo:
Language Attitudes and Negotiation of Language and Identity



October 2015

Research workshop in Bishoftu October 17-18:  Training transcribers on guidelines and software. 


HaBiT-meeting in Oslo September 5.-6. 2015

Read more about the HaBiT project here.

    Image may contain: Plant, Trousers, Green, Water, Tree.
    HaBiT-meeting in Oslo September 5.-6. 2015. 
    Feda Negesse, Pavel Rychlý, Björn Gambäck, Anders Nøklestad, Aleš Horák, Derib Ado,Vít Suchomel, Kristin Hagen, Janne Bondi Johannessen,  Lars Bungum, Joel Priestley.












    Project seminar in Norway September 2015

    A project seminar will be arranged at Rondane høyfjellshotell in Norway September  1-4, 2015. Deadline for submitting a paper to the seminar  is July 30, 2015.



    Read the seminar program.

    See photos from the seminar.

           (Many project participants will also attend The 19th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies in Warsaw, Poland August 24-28.)


    University of Oslo: Visit from Addis Ababa University June 24., 2015

    Read about the visit.



    June/July 2015

    Research Workshop where Phd candidates will present the result of their first fieldwork. Researchers will present their research findings from their field visits. Co-authored papers will be welcome.


    Winter and spring 2015:

    Capacity Building Training for local educators and authorities


    Topic of training

    No of





    Training on lexical development, orthography and lexicography


    Sidaama Zone

    February 12-14



    Building the capacity of Ethiopian Sign Language (ESL) teachers who work in the SNNPR region



    April 20-24



    Language development and standardization in Gurage. 

    33 Wolkite town

    May 1-3



    Training workshop to journalists who work in SNNPR on news writing, presentation and language use



    June 26-30


      Mother-tongue education



    July 7-9




    Participation in workshops and symposium organized by local adminstrators

    • 20th and 21st Annual Symposium on Sidaama language and culture (August 2014 and August 2015)
    • Gurage Language Workshop (July 07, 2015) organized by Wolkite University

    February 2015


    Hawassa University


    Graduation Hall

    February 27. 2015, 3 PM

    Prof. Janne Bondi Johannessen, University of Oslo:

    "A Case of Incomplete Acquisition - Embedded Word Order in Heritage Scandinavian"


    February 28. 2015, 10 AM

    Prof. Janne Bondi Johannessen and Prof. Lutz Edzard,  University of Oslo:

    "Coordinated clause structures in Scandinavian and Semitic involving a finite verb form and an infinitive"


    February 28. 2015, 11 AM

    Prof. Lutz Edzard, University of Oslo:

     "Verboids in Semitic in the light of modern case theory"


    Networking workshop in Adaama February 25. - 26.

    Participants from the various zone and woreda with whom the project is working.
    Janne Bondi Johannessen and Lutz Edzard from University of Oslo will also participate.

    Agenda: The progress of the project thus far, feedback on grass root activities, identifying additional areas of collaboration and intervention.
    Read the program.and see pictures from the Adaama workshop



    Events 2014

    Read about project events in Bulletin of the Department of Linguistics and Philology, Addis Ababa University No 6, November 2014.

    December 2014

    Wednesday December 3. and Thursday December 4. 2014:
    Research workshop at Semein Hotel, Addis Ababa, with PhD-students and supervisers

    Read the program


    Happenings in Oslo autumn 2014

    September 30:

    10:15 and 13:00: Gebre Guadie is defending his PhD: Shinasha Noun Morphology



    October 1:

    10:00am - 12:15pm: Dr Binyam Sisay Mendisu, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia:
    Language Use on the Internet in Ethiopia: Evidence from TemariNet and Facebook

    02:15pm - 04:00pm: Dr Azeb Amha, Leiden University, the Netherlands:
    Interrogative and Demonstrative Verbs in Wolaitta (Omotic): linking reference and indexing


    September 2014

    More fieldwork travels in Ethiopia.

    Addis Ababa University

    September 18. - 25: Technical staff from Oslo (Kristin Hagen, Anders Nøklestad, Joel Priestley) are visiting University of Addis Ababa together with professor Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld and professor Kjell Magne Yri (September 18 - 21). See pictures from the events


    Thursday September 18:
    02:00pm: Introduction to staff, (Anders, Joel, Kjell Magne, Kristin, Ruth and local staff

    Friday September 19:
    10:00am - 12:00am: Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld: Lexicography - planning a dictionary and LBK2013 – a lexicographic corpus for modern Norwegian bokmål

    02:00pm - 04:00pm: Meeting: Anders, Joel, Kristin, Derib, David, Feda

    Saturday September 20:
    10:00am - 12:00am: Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld: Lexicography: Making a dictionary I and Making a dictionary II

    02:00pm - 04:00pm: Meeting: Anders, Joel, Kristin, Derib, David, Feda -if necessary

    Monday September 22:
    09:00am  12:00am: Anders, Joel, Kristin: Discussion workshop (1) for PhD students, their supervisors, and also Derib, David, Feda. Subjects: Making a speech corpus. Tools, computer software, field work, transcription. Installation of software on individual computers as required.
    Please, bring your laptop!

    Tuesday September 23:
    09:00am  12:00am: Anders, Joel, Kristin: Discussion workshop (2) for PhD students, their supervisors, and also Derib, David, Feda. Subjects: Making a speech corpus. Tools, computer software, field work, transcription. Installation of software on individual computers as required.
    Please, bring your laptop!

    Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25:
    Anders, Joel, Kristin: Continued support for individual PhD students and staff as required


    Hawassa University

    September 22. - 26: Professor Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld and Professor Kjell Magne Yri from University of Oslo are visiting. See pictures from the events

    Preliminary program

    Tuesday September 23:
    10:00am - 12:00am: Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld: Lexicography - planning a dictionary and LBK2013 – a lexicographic corpus for modern Norwegian bokmål
    02:00pm - 04:00: Kjell Magne Yri: Three directions of contemporary semantics (1) 

    Wednesday September 24:
    10:00am - 12:00am: Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld: Lexicography: Making a dictionary I and Making a dictionary II
    02:00pm - 04:00pm: Kjell Magne Yri: Three directions of contemporary semantics (2)


    April - July 2014

    General plan April-June 2014

    Twelve researchers went to the field and collected data.

    Local capacity building workshops
    5 local capacity building trainings are conducted:
    - in Jinka and Arbamich by Omotic group (Read Report on activities of the Omotic Group)
    - in Welkitie by Semitic group. (Read A Minute on the Workshop on Developments and Standardization of Guragina.)
    - in Adama by Sign language group
    - in Hawassa by Sociolinguistics and Communication group.


    Read reports from:

    - Field Report of the Cushitic Group
    - Report from Language Technology Team
    - Brief Activity Report from Ethiopian Sign Language Team
    - Report on activities of the Omotic Group
    - Activity Report – Semitic Group
    - Brief Report by Sociolinguistic and Communication Group

    Research workshop
    A Research workshop was conducted in Adama July 25-27. Read a brief report from the workshop and see pictures from the workshop.
    The project PhD-students presented their draft concept paper at the Adama research workshop and are expected to submit a revised version on the 1st of September. Supervisors will be assigned after their submission.
    Laptop computers are being bought both at AAU and HU.

    May 2014

    Rolf Piene Halvorsen, Sør-Trøndelag University College, visits Addis Ababa University May 25 - May 31. Read the program

    • Monday, May 26, 09:00am - 10:00am:
      Welcome & Introduction with staff and students
      EthSL Program, Unit Office
    • Monday, May 26, 10:00am - 10:30am:
      Introduction to EthSL Program Unit & discussion
      EthSL Program, Unit Office
    • Monday, May 26, 11:00am - 12:00 noon:
      Introduction to EthSL & discussion
      EthSL Program, Unit Office
    • Monday, May 26, 02:00pm - 04:00pm:
      Lecture to undergraduate students
      G16 classroom

    • Tuesday, May 27, 09:00am - 12:00 noon:
      Lecture/ discussion with Ph.D candidates
      EthSL Program, Unit Office
    • Tuesday, May 27, 02:00pm - 04:00pm:
      Discussion on the planned MA program and the way forward
      EthSL Program, Unit Office
    • Thursday, May 29, 09:00am - 12:00 noon:
      Lecture/ discussion with Ph.D candidates
      EthSL Program, Unit Office
    • Thursday, May 29, 02:00pm - 04:00pm:
      Public lecture to staff members
      Conference room
    • Friday, May 30, 09:00am - 12:00 noon:
      Lecture/ discussion with Ph.D candidates
      EthSL Program, Unit Office
    • Friday, May 30, 02:00pm - 04:00pm:
      Concluding  lectures and discussions with Pawlos & Andargachew
      EthSL Program, Unit Office


    Networking Workshop
    May 23-24, 2014 at Hawassa University

    Read the workshop program
    Final workshop program in Amharic

    Aim: to create network with local authorities and educators and to introduce the project.


    Kjell Magne Yri, University of Oslo;
    Linguistic Seminar Tuesday 20 – Thursday 22 of May (2 hrs each day)
    Hawassa University


    Tuesday May 20:
    Lecture and discussion: Writing Sidaamu Afoo

    Wednesday May 21:
    Lecture and discussion: From demonstrative to subordinator

    Thursday 22:
    Lecture and discussion: Is a Noun always a Noun?

    In the workshop of the Cushitic network
    Hawassa University

    Friday May 23, 10.30 – 11 a.m.:
    Paper on orthography I

    Read "Plan for Kjell Magne Yri’s stay at HU May 2014"


    May 19. - 23 2014: Omotic fieldwork trip to Jinka

    March 2014

    Meetings, Addis Ababa
    • Thursday,  March 13:
      Norhed meeting, Hilton (Hirut Wolde-mariam (AAU), Nigussie Meshesha (HU), Janne Bondi Johannessen (UiO)
    • Friday, March 14:
      Norhed meeting, Hilton (Hirut Wolde-mariam (AAU), Nigussie Meshesha (HU), Janne Bondi Johannessen (UiO)
    • Monday, March 17:
      Project meeting Janne Bondi Johannessen (UiO), Hirut Hirut Woldemariam (AAU), Binyam Sisay (AAU), Derib Ado (AAU)


    Lutz Edzard, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and University of Oslo;
    Workshop in Recent developments in Semitic and Afroasiatic Linguistics
    Addis Ababa University

    NCR G9. Read more about the workshop


    Professor Janne Bondi Johannessen, University of Oslo:
    Workshop in Corpus Linguistics
    Addis Ababa University


    OCR 418



    Published July 11, 2019 3:05 PM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2024 2:52 PM