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AV services at the faculty

The AV services are responsible for the audiovisual equipment in all faculty teaching rooms. We offer training and assistance. The AV services also lend out various AV and IT equipment, and facilitates for scanning and converting file formats. 

Contact AV services

Are you an employee and in need of assistance in a faculty teaching room? Or maybe you need to borrow equipment?

Contacts: Tore Kielland Bull

Teaching room schedule and technical equipment

You can find out what technical equipment the teaching rooms have by consulting the room schedule:

Maps of the faculty buildings

Digital content production

The IT service, located on PAM 431, has facilitated for:

  • Scanning:

    Both photos, texts, piles of documents and dias. We have sanners for A3 and A4, and dias in different formats. 
  • Conversion of file formats:

    From analog to digital, from  wav to mp3, from mpeg3 to mpeg4.